Tue-22-11-2022, 02:41 AM
(Mon-21-11-2022, 15:23 PM)Forest Walker Wrote: Hi, Jenna.I'm one of the new members here. I've just read the thread that Fred provided the link to and so much enjoyed reading about Vermin and Plague while sipping my morning coffee. You wrote in a way that made it easy to picture and imagine, and the photos are adorable.
You have new insurance and a new medicaton, now. I hope it works quickly for you and that you find relief soon. Did you finish your degree? What was the subject?
In 2017, I had the opportunity to travel from Washington state to Massachusetts a few times to study artistic roller skating with elite coaches in a little town called Whitman. My host wanted to show me around Boston, but I just wanted to roller skate.Coming from the Pacific Northwest, I was astonished by the old houses and predominantly deciduous trees I saw in MA.
It's nice to meet you, Jenna.
Hi, great to meet you! I'm glad you enjoyed my animal saga hahah I've brought in quite a few more pets since then, and am still just as obsessed with them

I'm really hoping that the medication works quickly too! It was a 4 month process to get it, so I'm just super grateful to have it now!
I did finish my degree! I studied Communication, and now work in marketing, mostly in online advertising. I really enjoy it!
That's so cool that you've visited Massachusetts! I'm vaguely familiar with Whitman, but have never visited. How did you like Boston? I'm from around an hour north. Artistic roller skating also sounds really cool! What was that like?