Thu-29-12-2016, 11:47 AM
Not that anyone is waiting with baited breath, but the combination of some screw-ups and reduced holiday schedules has me waiting for my Rx for Humira to begin. They forgot to call me to tell me I didn't have TB and then to call in the Rx. Then, they forgot to call in the starter dose... it was all for the maintenance dosage, and when I called the doctor's office to tell them that, my call wasn't returned. Hopefully today I get it straightened out, but I still likely won't get it until after the New Year. With my luck, the nurse won't be able to change the first dosage, and that will have to wait until after Jan. 1st to have the doctor correct it (she's off all week), which would mean I'd be lucky to get it by the end of next week. In the meantime, Celebrex and ibuprofen are my best friend. I feel like I've been in a car accident and my growing patches are cracking and bleeding despite my efforts to keep the psoriasis areas moisturized. Sheesh.