Hello Guest, Welcome To The Psoriasis Club Forum. We are a self funded friendly group of people who understand.
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Psoriasis Club is a friendly on-line Forum where people with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis
can get together and share information, get the latest news, or just chill out with others who understand. It is totally
self funded and we don't rely on drug manufacturers or donations. We are proactive against Spammers,
Trolls, And Cyberbulying and offer a safe friendly atmosphere for our members.
So Who Joins Psoriasis Club?
We have members who have had psoriasis for years and some that are newly diagnosed. Family and friends of those with psoriasis
are also made welcome. You will find some using prescribed treatments and some using the natural approach. There are people who
join but keep a low profile, there are people who just like to help others, and there are some who just like
to escape in the Off Topic Section.
Joining Couldn't Be Easier: If you are a genuine person who would like to meet others who understand,
just hit the Register button and follow the instructions.
Members get more boards and privileges that are not available to guests.
OK So What Is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune disease that appears on the skin. It
occurs when the immune system sends out faulty signals that speed up the
growth cycle of skin cells. Psoriasis is not contagious. It commonly
causes red, scaly patches to appear on the skin, although some patients
have no dermatological symptoms. The scaly patches commonly caused by
psoriasis, called psoriatic plaques, are areas of inflammation and
excessive skin production. Skin rapidly accumulates at these sites which
gives it a silvery-white appearance. Plaques frequently occur on the
skin of the elbows and knees, but can affect any area including the
scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet, and genitals. In contrast to
eczema, psoriasis is more likely to be found on the outer side of the
The disorder is a chronic recurring condition that varies in severity
from minor localized patches to complete body coverage. Fingernails and
toenails are frequently affected (psoriatic nail dystrophy) and can be
seen as an isolated symptom. Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of
the joints, which is known as (psoriatic arthritis). Ten to fifteen
percent of people with psoriasis have psoriatic arthritis.
The cause of psoriasis is not fully understood, but it is believed to
have a genetic component and local psoriatic changes can be triggered by
an injury to the skin known as Koebner phenomenon. Various
environmental factors have been suggested as aggravating to psoriasis
including stress, withdrawal of systemic corticosteroid, excessive
alcohol consumption, and smoking but few have shown statistical
significance. There are many treatments available, but because of its
chronic recurrent nature psoriasis is a challenge to treat. You can find more information
Got It, So What's The Cure?
Wait Let me stop you there! I'm sorry but there is no cure. There are things that can help you
cope with it but for a cure, you will not find one.
You will always be looking for one, and that is part of the problem with psoriasis There are people who know you will be
desperate to find a cure, and they will tell you exactly what you want to hear in order to get your money. If there is a
cure then a genuine person who has ever suffered with psoriasis would give you the information for free. Most so called cures
are nothing more than a diet and lifestyle change or a very expensive moisturiser. Check out the threads in
Natural Treatments first and save your money.
Great so now what? It's not all bad news, come and join others at Psoriasis Club and talk about it. The best help is from accepting it and talking
with others who understand what you're going through. ask questions read through the threads on here and start claiming
your life back. You should also get yourself an appointment with a dermatologist who will help you find something that can
help you cope with it. What works for some may not work for others
I'm suddenly getting itchy patches in many places, all at once. I think it's the happy anticipation of adult children coming to stay with us for a couple of nights, trying to make everything ready combined with colder air outside and drier air inside from the furnace. Whatever the cause, it's irritating.
It'll soon be like living in a snow globe, all these little flakes falling to the floor or on the backs of chairs.
I believe stress, whether positive or negative, affects my skin.
Posted by: Fred - Sat-16-12-2023, 16:17 PM
- Replies (4)
A prospective multicentre study of nail psoriasis in China.
Data on nail psoriasis (PsO) in China are scarce.
To provide nail PsO-related data regarding epidemiologic characteristics, manifestations, fungal infections, arthritic complaints and treatments that may facilitate improved patient management globally.
From August 2021 to August 2022, patients with nail PsO were enrolled in a prospective multicentre observational study at 25 hospitals in China. We collected and analysed data concerning nail PsO demography, clinical signs, fungal detection, arthritic symptoms and treatment.
A total of 817 patients with nail PsO were involved, with a mean body mass index of 24.13 ± 2.93. In addition, 71.41% of the patients were male. The Nail PsO Severity Index score was weakly positively correlated with body surface area. The percentage of nail involvement was 95.29% for fingernails and 57.18% for toenails, with pitting (67.11%) and subungual hyperkeratosis (60.40%) being the most prevalent manifestations, respectively. Toenails showed a significantly higher frequency of nailfold scales, subungual hyperkeratosis and nail plate crumbling and a lower frequency of splinter haemorrhages, pitting and erythema of the lunula. A total of 13.26% of the PsO patients had onychomycosis, and 77.08% were observed in the toenails. Articular symptoms were reported by 12.17% of the patients, with the peripheral type being predominant. Significant associations between articular symptoms and nailfold swelling, subungual hyperkeratosis, nailfold scales, onycholysis and longitudinal ridges were found. Only 2.30% (20 out of 871) of patients with nail PsO received treatment. The most frequently employed therapy for cutaneous PsO with nail involvement was biologic therapy (n = 366).
PsO showed distinct manifestations in the toenails and fingernails. Additionally, toenail PsO combined with onychomycosis requires special attention. Articular symptoms in psoriatic patients are associated with specific nail changes. It is important to research and advocate for more potent treatments for nail PsO.
Posted by: Fred - Sun-10-12-2023, 15:07 PM
- Replies (16)
Psoriasis Club has reached a new milestone of 250000 posts
What can I say, I never thought I would ever see this day and to be honest I'm feeling a little emotional. Some of you will know it's been one hell of a journey for me since 2010, I won't go over it all again but for those that don't know there were people that didn't want Psoriasis Club to survive in the beginning.
But here we are with 1/4 million posts* and I can only thank all our members for what they have done, I've just provided the platform and I certainly couldn't have done it by myself. Over the years I have seen members come and go, some of you have been here a very long time but even new members have encouraged me to keep the place going.
I used to say I will keep it going as long as it is helping one person and that still stands as I have made a promise to keep going till mid 2025. I also made another promise to our members that in 2024 they will have the chance to talk about the future of Psoriasis Club, it's what I do ....................... the members are the forum, they will say they need me but I say "I need them"
Download this to remember that you helped get us here in 2023
Thank you all so much it means a lot to me to achieve this milestone.
*Not all posts are seen by our guests and our members see more.
Posted by: Fred - Fri-08-12-2023, 14:04 PM
- Replies (30)
Get your name down for my Psoriasis Club tips.
Each week I will be teaching you something you can do at Psoriasis Club. Some people find it difficult finding their way around and although we have help threads here Help using the forum I thought it may be helpful to drop a few tips to help.
Just watch this space or subscribe to this thread, if you have any questions or would like to know how to use something on the forum please post here.
I might have posted about this before but I can’t find it - does anyone else suffer from psoriasis up their nose, especially in winter? I find it quite annoying and sometimes sore. You get extra skin growth like elsewhere but up your nose you can really feel it.
When I mention it to the derm they don’t have any advice and of course you can’t really use steroid cream on what they call mucous membranes. Moisturisers don’t do anything to help.
My name is Kathy and I'm posting for my daughter. She has what I believe is some form of psoriasis. She has been to her GP about 6 times and 3 times to a Dermatologist who said she has atopic dermatitis but I would stake my life on the fact that he is wrong. I've known people with psoriasis and what she has is worse than anything I've ever seen. This morning her pajamas were stuck to her body from skin weeping and bleeding. Her acupuncture DR her body has damp heat. Last week her GP finally took blood and she is supposed to get the results in the next few days. I feel so helpless. Everything I've tried to do for her has not worked. Does anyone have any advice?
Posted by: Kat - Fri-10-11-2023, 23:08 PM
- Replies (48)
A bit premature as it has to go through getting approval and such but thought I'd start the thread here. Let you know when I know.
So, first part of my journey is getting insurance approval and seeing what my costs (if any) will be. Different insurance than when I was on biologics before so a bit different process is involved.
Posted by: Kat - Sun-15-10-2023, 03:06 AM
- Replies (10)
I almost put this in the off topic section, but after thinking it over I believe it belongs here. Feel free to move it Fred if you disagree.
I have noticed that my hair is thinning out. I have thin hair but a lot of it, or well normally that it. This past year or so I've noticed that there is more hair in my brush than there used to be. Now it is partly due to age I'm sure, although thinning hair does not run in my family. I also wear a CPAP mask so I'm sure having it rub across my head at night doesn't help. But I don't move around much when sleeping. I even wake up to change positions anymore (another wonderful thing I think I can thank old age for) so....
I have scalp psoriasis and tend to scratch WAY more than I should. I'm wondering if anyone else who has or has had scalp psoriasis noticed any hair thinning and also what they (if anything) to help.
I figured it belongs here as anyone searching for information for thinning hair due to scalp psoriasis might find information here if anyone has any to share. I mean you wouldn't have had to have scalp psoriasis, just advice on what to do about thinning hair. I've thought of supplements, but not sure they're worth the $$.
Posted by: Kat - Fri-13-10-2023, 12:49 PM
- Replies (18)
I have osteoarthritis in my knees, they ache and sometimes hurt. But it usually is one where the knees are achy and stay that way for awhile, then may hurt but the hurt usually builds up and then fades after a bit.
A few years ago, my rheumatologist told me I had psoriatic arthritis. I had stiffness in my ankles, usually when inactive. I would stretch the ankle a little bit and it would start to feel better. Although uncomfortable, I wouldn't say it was super painful. I also wondered if I did in fact have psoriatic arthritis.
About a week ago, I was walking in the house and out of nowhere a pain shot through my ankle. It continued for about 10 steps and I thought great I sprained my ankle somehow. And then, it stopped. Since then, I can be walking and for no reason a searing pain will go through my ankle as I'm walking. Usually somewhere between 2-20 steps later it goes away. This is happening daily. I went shopping yesterday and did a lot of walking. It happened quite a few times but most of the time I was fine. So, I'm confused. I doubt it is a strain or injury as it wouldn't just go away if it were that. So that makes me think of arthritis, but it doesn't gradually come on or ache... it hurts like heck when it happens. Thought I'd see if it was a familiar thing to any of you. Going to the liver specialist today and asking for a referral to get it checked out. I think I want to try a new doctor for this one.
I'm beginning to use a Q-Tip cotton swab to apply steroid ointment to small-ish patches on my legs, rather than my fingertip. It appears to work as well as trying to rub the ointment in with my fingers and protects the skin of the fingers from wearing thin or cracking over repeated application.
I'd been using Q-Tip to apply a milder ointment, off and on for a long while, between my toes. Then last night, I thought why not use the Q-Tip to apply to patches that are easy to get to, such as on the legs?
Does anyone else use a Q-Tip this way? Do you always apply ointment with your bare fingers?
Posted a long intro for backstory on my psoriasis.
Saw a dermatologist this week, actually was a good visit despite her solution for me to start methotrexate and the biologics. However I am far from ready for drugs, still hoping to find improvements and ideally remission naturally.
Been off my diet for a while now and off the diet for me is just eating chocolate and regular oats pretty often (baking cookies or banana bread, no refined sugar though), and the odd cheat meal from a restaurant, few pizzas, servings of french fries, dessert here n there otherwise my normal is gluten free, sugar free, processed food free, whole food diet. Lots of protein, healthy fat sources, carbs are brown rice, sweet potatoes, veggies, fruit. Been planning to get back to being very strict but been slacking.
Anyways, derm was talking about the connection between strep and psoriasis. Wanted to test me for group a (throat) and group b (intestinal/colon) strep. She said if group a is present, then the plan is remove tonsils, if group b is present, go on penicillin (antibiotics). Well no group a for me but tested positive for group b.
I am kind of glad knowing there is possibly something that is a problem that can be targeted and corrected, but nervous to start on antibiotics. I definitely want to kill off the strep in my intestines. You see alot about psoriasis being related to the gut and fix the gut and yada yada which sounds good but what does fix the gut mean. Its kind of like the boogeyman, you don't know what is actually the problem and best solution. Is it the candida diet, is it a whole food diet, is it come sort of short term cleanse? Do you do it for 3 months, 6? What do you take, what do you eat, what DONT you eat. Theres alot of conflicting information available.
I had done strict diet for 5 months, including probiotics and even leaky gut supplements not long ago but didn't find any improvement at all and eventually started being less and less strict to where I am now. I would still say my diet is excellent but I feel like I could be better and more disciplined and focused.
So now I know I have to deal with this strep bacteria. Antibiotics are the easiest answer but I am just a bit concerned. Ive done antibiotics in the past and believe they played a big part and messing up my gut flora in the first place. Maybe I can do it right this time tho. I am looking for any feedback with anyone having similar experience.
Thinking I do the penicillin for 2 weeks, but also take a probiotic and eat completely clean (been wanting to commit to a diet again for 6 months, this is already 90% my diet but making it 100%). No chocolate, nothing like honey, just beef, chicken, quality fish, eggs, presoaked and drained brown rice, sweet potatoes, rutabagas, carrots, beets, presoaked and drained and fermented gluten free organic oats, fruits, homemade coconut milk yogurt, sauerkraut, nuts like cashews, walnuts, almonds, basically the candida diet in regards to spices and foods, little modified for myself. Reason I soak the rice and oats it to remove any possible pesticides or toxins and starch from the rice, i donno if anyone else does this. For the oats i've been wanting to start fermenting them using a probiotic powder (from a pill). Ive been thinking I should cut out coffee, just test it out, tho i love coffee.
So im probably gonna start this immediately, would be nice to hear from anyone with experience regarding antibiotics. Think it will make my psoriasis worse immediately? The idea is that this will start me on a complete reset to correct and fix my gut flora. As long as I prepare myself with an appropriate diet and supplement probiotic pills and foods and that doing so will allow my body to start healing more.
Planning to use the Renew Life brand 50 billion probiotic. Ill take as directed as well as use it to make fermented oat and coconut milk yogurt.
Hi all - I was looking for any info as to whether or not common side effects of bimzelx - wear off - go away!
Best wishes to Fred - I really hope your treatment makes you better.
My own story is that I am an allergic type - Im the awkward one who always gets those 'rare' side effects!
I have had 2 loading doses so far of Bimzelx and I have not taken my third one - I am told I can skip a dose and take the next one when I feel better...
mmm...when I feel better....my story is below - not necessary to read! its just a brief history in time - of infections...
My question is lovely people - is there anyone out there who has had similar common side effects with bimzelx - and...did they wear off? Im just getting zero help from the people running the study Im on - or the dermatologists - I feel like Im being kept in the dark...the manufactrures and so called yellow card scheme must surely have data? after all - they state the side effects....maybe I should go to them?
any tips greatly apprecitated - Ive been so ill I just dont know whether to continue this or not...
best wishes
since starting bioligics in february - Ive had 4 loads of anti biotics for infections - one a throat thing the others UTI's.
Ive been in a lot of pain with un diagnosed stomach and digestion problems so await test results for IBS and coeliac. Oh I also have medication now for oral thrush.... I had an allergic reaction to amgevita and started bimzelx in April this year. Ive felt ill ever since...this is not me!
Posted by: Avatar - Tue-12-09-2023, 08:04 AM
- Replies (5)
Does anyone notice psoriasis, and dupytren’s at ring finger and palm, and female hyperplasia? Or psoriasis started in one location, then collagen overgrowth of skin cells in another location some years later, like it spreads over several years? He’s anyone used gene therapy. Has anyone had genetic mapping to find alleles or amino acid sequences that are not normal. Gene mapping is about $700.00 in the Los Angeles, California area clinics and San Francisco clinics. Currently gene mapping is commonly used to find breast cancer such as Brac. I read up to 25%of people in Great Britain have collagen overgrowth issue in the palm of one of their hands during their lifetime.
Posted by: Fred - Wed-06-09-2023, 19:22 PM
- Replies (9)
This study investigated the association between serine metabolism and psoriatic skin inflammation.
Serine metabolism is crucial for tumor oncogenesis and immune responses. S-adenosyl methionine (SAM), a methyl donor, is typically derived from serine-driven one-carbon metabolism. However, the involvement of serine metabolism in psoriatic skin inflammation remains unclear.
To investigate the association between serine metabolism and psoriatic skin inflammation.
Clinical samples were collected from patients with psoriasis and the expression of serine biosynthesis enzymes was evaluated. The HaCaT human keratinocyte cell line was transfected with small interfering RNA (siRNA) of key enzyme or treated with inhibitors. RNA sequencing and DNA methylation assays were performed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying serine metabolism-regulated psoriatic keratinocyte inflammation An imiquimod (IMQ)-induced psoriasis mouse model was established to determine the effect of the SAM administration on psoriatic skin inflammation.
The expression of serine synthesis pathway enzymes, including the first rate-limiting enzyme in serine biosynthesis, phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH), was downregulated in the epidermal lesions of patients with psoriasis compared with that in healthy controls. Suppressing PHGDH in keratinocytes promoted the production of proinflammatory cytokines and enrichment of psoriatic-related signaling pathways, including the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) signaling pathway, interleukin (IL)-17 signaling pathway, and NF-κB signaling pathway. In particular, PHGDH inhibition markedly promoted the secretion of IL-6 in keratinocytes with or without IL-17A, IL-22, IL-1α, oncostatin M, and TNF-α (mix) stimulation. Mechanistically, PHGDH inhibition upregulated the expression of IL-6 by inhibiting SAM-dependent DNA methylation at the promoter and increasing the binding of myocyte enhancer factor 2A. Furthermore, PHGDH inhibition increased the secretion of IL-6 by increasing the activation of NF-κB via SAM inhibition. SAM treatment effectively alleviated IMQ-induced psoriasis-like skin inflammation in mice.
Our study revealed the crucial role of PHGDH in antagonizing psoriatic skin inflammation and indicated that targeting serine metabolism may represent a novel therapeutic strategy for treating psoriasis.
In his first time trying to make a new dish, my husband inadvertently added 1.5 teaspoons of black pepper to a recipe that made four small crabcakes. Additionally, another seasoning in the recipe, Old Bay Spice, has a mix of ground peppers in its ingredients. I ate one of the cakes (smothered in plain yogurt to cool it down).
Very soon, patchy areas that rarely itch began to itch like crazy. And this morning, several patches are a little more active.
I think the excessive pepper caused this reaction. Has anything like this ever happened to you?
Posted by: Fred - Fri-25-08-2023, 11:25 AM
- Replies (4)
This cohort study from Taiwan looked at infections in patients with psoriasis.
The risks of serious infections that lead to hospitalisation and mortality in patients with psoriasis in Asia have not been comprehensively studied.
We examined the incidence of serious infection and infection mortality in patients with psoriasis.
This population-based retrospective cohort study used the Taiwan National Health Insurance claims database from 2000 to 2017. Adult patients with psoriasis were identified by a relevant International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code and matched to six comparators without psoriasis on age and sex. Psoriasis patients were categorised as having moderate-to-severe disease once exposed to systemic therapies, phototherapy or biologic therapies. The incidence of serious infection and infection mortality were identified by ICD codes from inpatient hospitalisation and death registration. Cox proportional hazard models were used to compare the risk, and the results were adjusted for covariates and presented as adjusted hazard ratios (aHR) and 95% confidence interval (95%CI).
Overall, 185,434 psoriasis patients and 1,112,581 comparators were included. A higher rate of serious infection (aHR:1.21, 95%CI: 1.19-1.22) was found in patients with psoriasis compared to matched comparators without psoriasis, and the risk was enhanced when patients had moderate-to-severe psoriasis (aHR:1.30, 95%CI: 1.27-1.34). Specifically, there was an increased risk of serious infection due to respiratory infections (aHR:1.11, 95%CI: 1.09-1.13), skin/soft-tissue infections (aHR:1.57, 95%CI: 1.52-1.62), sepsis (aHR:1.23, 95%CI: 1.19-1.27), urinary tract infections (aHR:1.11, 95%CI: 1.08-1.14), hepatitis B (aHR:1.18, 95%CI: 1.06-1.30), and hepatitis C (aHR:1.49, 95%CI: 1.32-1.69). Furthermore, psoriasis patients were associated with a higher risk of infection-related mortality (aHR:1.15, 95%CI: 1.11-1.18) compared to matched comparators.
Patients with psoriasis had a higher risk of serious infection and infection mortality, which was enhanced by moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Practitioners should be aware of the increased risk in patients with psoriasis, but it should not be a barrier to offering effective treatment.
Ive had psorasis since my teenage years, I'm 35 now. Over 50% covered, tried light treatment, steroids, etc. About a month ago, my psoriasis started peeling like sunburn. Its very red, flat and itchy - the itching has subsided a bit recently. I currently have a brain tumour grade 3 - which I've had for coming up 3 years - but i'm not receiving any cancer medication. Only Brivaracatam for my epilepsy, which is a result of the tumour. Last MRI June 2023 - "sound and stable." I'm currently using - Enstilar foam and Zeroveen, which I alternate with.
I remember reading that for it to be Erythemarodermic Psoriasis, it would need to be covering almost my entire body. Not sure how true that is.
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Psoriasis Cure!
How many people have Psoriasis?
In 2012 there were approximately 36.5 million prevalent cases of psoriasis, and by 2022, GlobalData epidemiologists forecast that this figure will reach approximately 40.93 million.
The condition affects individuals of both sexes and all ethnicities and ages, although there is a higher prevalence of psoriasis in the colder, northern regions of the world.
The prevalence of psoriasis in the central region of Italy is 2.8 times greater than the prevalence in southern Italy.
Caucasians have a higher prevalence of psoriasis compared with African-Americans, but African-Americans in the US tend to suffer from a more severe form of the disease.