Hello Guest, Welcome To The Psoriasis Club Forum. We are a self funded friendly group of people who understand.
Never be alone with psoriasis, come and join us. (Members see a lot more than you) LoginRegister
Here we are halfway through the year, where has the time gone, I hope you are not suffering to badly with your psoriasis, If you haven't logged-in for a while please do pop in and tell us how you are doing, or come and meet some of our new members. Or read some of the studies that have been posted, Could I ask if you do follow a link from here to a post, it would be helpful to me if you log in, that way I can see that the Newsletter is read and being valued by you as a member
If you are currently a subscriber to the newsletter you don't need to do anything you will still receive notification at the beginning of each month. If you don't currently recieve one and would like to receive an email when a new newsletter is made click Here!
Note: Subscribed members get an early view of the newsletter.
Psoriasis Club Birthday
This month we are celebrating our 7th birthday, you can read more Here.
So here is a toast to you all.
Cyber Attack
I'm sure you will be aware of the Cyber Attack that took place on May 12. I thought it would be a good idea to remind our members about the security in place on Psoriasis Club.
Obviously I'm not going to give too much away, but here are some basics.
#1 I'm the only person with access to the server, the database and the administration.
#2 We are with a very secure hosting service and they will soon act 24/7 if they see a problem.
#3 We have Secure Connection you can read more about that Here.
Passwords: When you choose a password the system will encrypt it. I can issue a new password, but it is impossible for me to read them. So never give your password to anyone and if you are ever locked out and contact me I will never ask you for your password.
Emails: I will never contact you via Email unless there is a problem with your account. Emails with notifications about new posts, messages, newsletters etc are sent out by the system and will always come from psoriasisclub.org If you have any concerns about emails from Psoriasis Club please contact me via the "Contact Us" button on the bottom menu, I'm the only person that receives contacts and I will respond as soon as possible.
I take our members security and safety very seriously and you can rest assured that I have a lot of security measures in place and I spend a huge amount of time working in the background to keep Psoriasis Club and its members safe.
Should you have any concerns about security of your account at Psoriasis Club please contact myself or a Forum Helper.
Members Questions and treatments. click on the links and see if you can help.
madpaddy .....has a few issues with Cosentyx....can you help .. More
Lisa is suffering with painful sebopsoriasis of the eyelids and around the eyes and needs your advice Click here to read more
Hitech70.....Has just developed Sebopsoriasis....has anyone else had a major flare up this year More
JacG asks......has any member got any long term experience of otezla/ apremilast More
Michael has been on Fumaderm for 7 weeks and sees no change Read more
Joyce wonders if her guttate psoriasis could be linked to a strep throat. More here
Martin has had Psoriasis for 27 years and wonders what his chances of getting Cosentyx. Here
PinkGeology....has had her first ever breakout on her face and needs ideas Read More
McJu asks can you offer advice about my Pustular psoriasis. Read more here
New Introductions.
Please look at these introductions and come and welcome the new members that have taken the trouble to write an introduction.
Klbuer.....Katheryn ...says Hi and what do you use for arthritis More
Terina has had psoriasis since she was 18 and thought she was alone with psoriasis ..come and show her she's not alone .. Here
This study looks at the risk of Schizophrenia patients getting psoriasis
Read More
This study looked at adverse events associated with discontinuation of systemic treatments in psoriasis patients
... More
This study looks at KHK4083 psoriasis treatment first human phase 1 study more
The Ask Threads
Ask Threads
This was an idea to ask mainly non psoriasis related questions of other members If a member wants to take part they start a new thread in Off Topic and title it Ask followed by their name. So if Jim wanted to take part he would start a new thread titled "Ask Jim"
Other members then know that Jim is open to questioning, and will post a question in his thread.
Jim then has to answer the question. Whether he answers truthfully or not is up to him.
It is mostly a bit of fun, but does sometimes throw out some interesting answers.
So if you want to take part just start your own thread titled Ask *** and wait for the questions to come in, it helps to make sure you are subscribed to the thread so you know when there is a new question. It's also important to give an answer because it could be a newbie using it to help break the ice, and if you do fail to answer others will get fed up with you.
*Remember it's mostly a bit of fun but can have a serious side as it's a bit like an interview. Members will have to make their own mind up as to if the answers are true or false, so don't take it to heart and don't start your own thread if your'e not prepared to answer the questions. Oh if you do start one, be careful what you say in your answer, We had to remove a post once as a member was asked for his phone number, and he gave it in his answer for all to see.
There are several running already , There is a list of them here, so you can easily find them and see if you want to ask a question .
It's that time of year when I give out the Honorary Member awards. Winners will see this image in their profile.
This years winners are:
Mrs Fred,
Lady Bugley-Ah,
glenda grant,
D Foster,
Grizzly Bear,
Members can read more about these awards Here!
Hints and tips
Each month I will add a tip or a helpful link to assist with your posts
Finding your threads
I have noticed a lot of members come back possibly to update their threads ....but spend a lot of time searching and then leaving without posting....this may be deliberate, but if it's because they aren't sure how to find their own threads.....this might help you
At the top of every page below the club banner is a green strip with several links one is titled "view my threads" that will show a list of your threads ....Next to that is a link to "view my posts" click on those to read your threads and update them if you wish
Should you get stuck ask a member of the forum team who are always pleased to offer assistance
If you want to follow us on Twitter you can find us here: @Psoriasisclub
If you're a member of Psoriasis Club and follow us please let us know and we will follow you back.
Please remember no posts and no log-in for 12 months, your account will be deleted. For more information about this policy See Here!
Members photos.
This month I shall be featuring Grizzly Bears pictures of Exmoor in the southwest of England ,
This picture shows one of the thousands of Exmoor wild ponies that live on the moor Click on the photo to see full size
To see more of Grizzly's pictures go Here If you would like your photos featured let me know and they will feature in a future newsletter
Sunflower Competition
The sunflower competition is gathering pace and many members have planted theirs, have you planted any yet, it's
Not too late to get involved ... ....See more Here
Sneaky peak
We have an active Off Topic Board and we thought we would share some sneaky peaks with our lurkers.
Would you like to have a column in the newsletter?
If you have an idea for a column in the newsletter and you could come up with something each month please let me know via PM or
Post Here
One Liners
After his divorce Mr. Lewis realized that poker isn’t the only game that starts with holding hands and ends with an astounding financial loss.
In the 1960s you could learn to ride on a Dual Control Lambretta.
Have you got some news about Psoriasis?
If you have seen or have an item of interest you think might be worth publishing on the club site, and weren't sure if it would be acceptable for publishing. There is now a dedicated board where you can post the article, and it will only be seen by yourself and the moderator...Then you can discuss any edits that might be needed
This is not for normal questions or introductions .....but for articles about psoriasis that are not your experience.
For more information about this click Here
Want More
A lot of members only threads have been updated, so why not log-in and have a quick look around.
*There are other members only boards. But as it depends on how many posts you have made and what group you are in I won't add them here. The only way to see them is to make more posts.