Sun-22-11-2015, 01:02 AM
Hi everybody I'm new to the club I look forward to sharing my exsperince with you. I kinda worried right now.. I took my first humira shot for psoriasis a week ago and I noticed some clearing the first couple of days. But Two nights ago I was itching the and didn't really think much of it.when I awoke the next morning my chest and back were covered in a horrible rash! I took benidryl and went to work. I felt my face start to swell later that day and it was hot feeling. I checked myself when I got home and the rash had spread down to my legs and up my neck to my face. I went to the ER at 130am and they made me set around for hours and pushed me out the door and was told to take benidryl. I went to a urgent care facility and they prescribed me pretnizone which I started taking right away. I'm scared about this cause I read some blogs and some people are having the same issues and they can't make it go away. I was better off before humira and I'm not using it anymore. Has anyone exsperinced this and if so did it go away?