Wed-11-03-2015, 14:15 PM
(Wed-11-03-2015, 06:20 AM)Brighteyes Wrote: Been a month now since I last got to go outside ( I don't count hospital trips ).
Feeling rather fed up now.
Trying not to let depression take hold but it is so difficult. Even I can only read for so long.
I sleep in fits and spurts, my appetite is pretty zero and am annoyed that only one friend has even bothered to pop in to see me in all this time.
Sorry to sound so negative but I feel like I am in limbo.
My O/H does his best but it's a lonely situation.
Hey don't feel fed up mate, I'd visit if I was nearer and would enjoy a good old chinwag with you.

And don't worry about sounding negative, it helps as you know to share and you have often helped others in the past so it's the least we can do to put up with a little grumbling from you.