Mon-19-01-2015, 08:58 AM
Hi all!
I hope I don't sound like too much of a know it all.
These are just some observations.
This is really for the newbies. The basics of what to avoid and what to eat. So here's some of what I've picked up over the years. Years of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) leading to years of Psoriasis.
The short version. Avoid or cut back on: Sugar, Salt, foods made with or containing Yeast, Grains and Dairy.
Store bought salad dressing has chemical in it that is used in windshield washer fluid. So my health food store friend tells me.
I cannot comment on nightshade vegetables, I eat them, never really noticed a problem. Maybe someone else can comment on them.
If you must have a sweetener try black strap molasses or honey. I think molasses is better, but not sure yet.
Cut back on salt.
IMHO salt is harmful to Vitamin C. There is a sailor who spent six months in the artic, no fruit and no Vitamin C, his ship locked in ice. He wrote how he did not get scurvy and yet the sailors of old did. The reason he believed was salt. They preserved food with salt back then for long voyages. Humans , guinea pigs and apes can't make Vitamin C. We need this vitamin to heal and salt is in pretty much everything these days!
Wine, beer and alcohol are made with yeast. Candida is a yeast and under normal circumstances isn't a problem. The good bacteria keeps it in check, but if you take broad spectrum antibiotics, look out! I ended up IBS, along with a mental map of where every washroom in the city was! Try to avoid broad spectrum antibiotics, if you do have to take them get a children's type of probiotic and eat lots of garlic. Not all probiotics are the same, you have to start with the type that first colonizes the bowels.
I was watching a TV show on inflammation and "genetically modified wheat" was the culprit. It also points out, we are not cows, we only have one stomach, you wouldn't normally go out in a field and eat wheat!
Grains waiting to be shipped out are stored in silos were they get moldy. I love bread though. I can handle a breakfast bagel, but when I buy a loaf, I tend to eat too much of it during the day and my symptoms get worse.
Also people on here mention gluten. I always toast my bagel/bread, since heat breaks down gluten and is less of a problem to digest. And I sprinkle garlic powder on toast and just about everything else. Garlic kills yeast and is a prebiotic (a food for the good bacteria).
I take organic milk in my coffee. Milk is known to be mucus forming in the bowels and caused me severe constipation and is generally, bad for the skin. Humans are the only species to consume milk as adults except for mice they like cheese.
Ginger root is also very good and may be the reason my psoriasis was never all that bad. I do drink lots of ginger ale.
It is a potent antiviral. If taken regularly it is known to thicken the epithelium layer ( that's the slimy layer on our intestinal tracts that keeps pathogens and their toxins out, "selective absorption". Like the slime on a fish protects it from water borne diseases. The epithelium layer starts to thin in your early twenties. Asian folk eat ginger, like we in the west eat potatoes. I wonder how many of the 1.3 billion Chinese have psoriasis? If anyone knows please post it. The ginger root in your grocery store is a product of China.
I just did a quick search, didn't find any stats, but I did find this "GlaxoSmithKline Plc " is joining with the Chinese ...."The world’s biggest drug makers are turning to ancient Chinese remedies to boost product pipelines."
And this.... "Glaxo’s herbal drugs efforts will focus initially on immune disorders such as psoriasis, a chronic disease that causes scaly skin, and drugs that treat inflammation of the digestive system, according to Zhang Xun, Shanghai-based head of research and development for the company’s global natural products unit." This was in Dec 11, 2012 is their a drug from them out now and is ginger apart of it?
Ancient Chinese Secret is not just for laundry.
You go now, mind you own business.
I hope I don't sound like too much of a know it all.

This is really for the newbies. The basics of what to avoid and what to eat. So here's some of what I've picked up over the years. Years of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) leading to years of Psoriasis.
The short version. Avoid or cut back on: Sugar, Salt, foods made with or containing Yeast, Grains and Dairy.
Store bought salad dressing has chemical in it that is used in windshield washer fluid. So my health food store friend tells me.
I cannot comment on nightshade vegetables, I eat them, never really noticed a problem. Maybe someone else can comment on them.
If you must have a sweetener try black strap molasses or honey. I think molasses is better, but not sure yet.
Cut back on salt.
IMHO salt is harmful to Vitamin C. There is a sailor who spent six months in the artic, no fruit and no Vitamin C, his ship locked in ice. He wrote how he did not get scurvy and yet the sailors of old did. The reason he believed was salt. They preserved food with salt back then for long voyages. Humans , guinea pigs and apes can't make Vitamin C. We need this vitamin to heal and salt is in pretty much everything these days!
Wine, beer and alcohol are made with yeast. Candida is a yeast and under normal circumstances isn't a problem. The good bacteria keeps it in check, but if you take broad spectrum antibiotics, look out! I ended up IBS, along with a mental map of where every washroom in the city was! Try to avoid broad spectrum antibiotics, if you do have to take them get a children's type of probiotic and eat lots of garlic. Not all probiotics are the same, you have to start with the type that first colonizes the bowels.
I was watching a TV show on inflammation and "genetically modified wheat" was the culprit. It also points out, we are not cows, we only have one stomach, you wouldn't normally go out in a field and eat wheat!
Grains waiting to be shipped out are stored in silos were they get moldy. I love bread though. I can handle a breakfast bagel, but when I buy a loaf, I tend to eat too much of it during the day and my symptoms get worse.
Also people on here mention gluten. I always toast my bagel/bread, since heat breaks down gluten and is less of a problem to digest. And I sprinkle garlic powder on toast and just about everything else. Garlic kills yeast and is a prebiotic (a food for the good bacteria).
I take organic milk in my coffee. Milk is known to be mucus forming in the bowels and caused me severe constipation and is generally, bad for the skin. Humans are the only species to consume milk as adults except for mice they like cheese.

Ginger root is also very good and may be the reason my psoriasis was never all that bad. I do drink lots of ginger ale.
It is a potent antiviral. If taken regularly it is known to thicken the epithelium layer ( that's the slimy layer on our intestinal tracts that keeps pathogens and their toxins out, "selective absorption". Like the slime on a fish protects it from water borne diseases. The epithelium layer starts to thin in your early twenties. Asian folk eat ginger, like we in the west eat potatoes. I wonder how many of the 1.3 billion Chinese have psoriasis? If anyone knows please post it. The ginger root in your grocery store is a product of China.
I just did a quick search, didn't find any stats, but I did find this "GlaxoSmithKline Plc " is joining with the Chinese ...."The world’s biggest drug makers are turning to ancient Chinese remedies to boost product pipelines."
And this.... "Glaxo’s herbal drugs efforts will focus initially on immune disorders such as psoriasis, a chronic disease that causes scaly skin, and drugs that treat inflammation of the digestive system, according to Zhang Xun, Shanghai-based head of research and development for the company’s global natural products unit." This was in Dec 11, 2012 is their a drug from them out now and is ginger apart of it?
Ancient Chinese Secret is not just for laundry.