Mon-31-03-2014, 00:25 AM
Hello all, my name is stacey and I'm looking for some advice on being able to purchase coal tar paste like they use in hospitals, I was diagnosed from the age of 5yrs old and have suffered on and off since (I'm now 30) the only treatments that work for me is UVB treatment and coal tar paste, I used to as a child be taken into hospital for up to 5 weeks at a time and be slathered daily in the coal tar paste and had bandages put on over the cream, I'd also have UVB treatment 3times per week, I'm now a single mother of 4 and I'm unable to do so anymore, I'm struggling being able to get hold of coal tar paste from my local pharmacy can any one help with any links that I can purchase this miracle cream please xxxxxxxx I'm suffering at the moment with gut taste psoriasis but I also have the plaques my official diagnosis is chronic psoriasis xxx
