This is the start of a series of posts on Dimethylfumarates.
For long it is yet known that fumarates have a very positive effect on psoriasis and arthritic psoriasis. Still fumarates did not have their breakthrough in medicare. The causes for this will be part of this series.
In the Netherlands the use of fumarates is much more normal than in other countries, there is even a patients organization that promotes the use of a specific form and is busy starting up scientific research to prove that this form is much less toxic with a much better effect than most other medicines.
I do not write this "by my own", the texts are mainly a translation of publications of dr. L.Kunst and dr. Schweckendieck, and I will make references to existing literature on the subject.
Why do I do this?
Well, while speeding around on the different threads of this forum, I found out that there are lots of psoriasis sufferers. None of them are using fumarates, I seem to be the only one. And if I read well, I am also one of the posters that has minor problems with psoriasis, I even have arthritic psoriasis which is very "livable" and relatively under control, with very few extra problems from the medication.
I think it makes sense to share what I know. Maybe some of you will make a try with what I use, and maybe this will help them. The forum on the dutch site shows a lot of people that are very pleased with this medicine.
Below part one of a translation from the site psoriasistherapie dot nl on fumarates. As it is a translation, there may be stupid constructions in the sentences. My mastery of english is quite acceptable, but translating is quite a different job.
First some background information to build up the story.
Energy housekeeping and fumaric acid.
Fumaric aced is a body own substance. Chemically seen it is an unsaturated dicarbon acid. It is formed from cis-butanecarbonic acid (cis-barnstoneacid) under influence of succinatehydrogenasis. This biochemical conversion is a component of the so-called citric acid cycle, and takes place in the mitochondria. Mitochondria are not only the power of our cells, they play an important role in essential metabolic processes and the genetic transfer of a large number of degenerative diseases through specific mitochondrial DNA. A variety of genetic disorders can be attributed to mutations in the mitochondrial DNA, such as defects in the citric acid cycle. The citric acid cycle is a cycle in which oxidation of carbon compounds are oxidized to carbon dioxide. The carbon-containing compounds are derived from fats, sugars and amino acids. The vast majority of fuel is supplied in the form of acetyl-CoA. The citric acid cycle contains except fumaric acid, several intermediate metabolites, such as shown in the accompanying illustration.
![[Image: citroencyclus.gif]](https://psoriasistherapie%20dot%20nl/images/stories/citroencyclus.gif)
The upper portion of pyruvic acid to acetyl-coenzyme A does not actually belong to the citric acid cycle, but it's there to follow up the glycolysis. The reactions involving NAD + conversion to NADH and GDP to GTP and FAD to FADH2 mean that energy is released and that this energy has gone into these compounds formed. This energy is required with all of the biochemical processes in the body.
More to follow in a next post.
EDIT by Fred:
There is another thread for members conversations about about Dimethylfumarates here: [split] Dimethylfumarates and Psoriasis
You may also be interested in Bill's pure dimethylfumarate thread
And this one explains Fumaderm which is a DMF that you will probably get prescribed in pats of Europe. Fumaderm
For long it is yet known that fumarates have a very positive effect on psoriasis and arthritic psoriasis. Still fumarates did not have their breakthrough in medicare. The causes for this will be part of this series.
In the Netherlands the use of fumarates is much more normal than in other countries, there is even a patients organization that promotes the use of a specific form and is busy starting up scientific research to prove that this form is much less toxic with a much better effect than most other medicines.
I do not write this "by my own", the texts are mainly a translation of publications of dr. L.Kunst and dr. Schweckendieck, and I will make references to existing literature on the subject.
Why do I do this?
Well, while speeding around on the different threads of this forum, I found out that there are lots of psoriasis sufferers. None of them are using fumarates, I seem to be the only one. And if I read well, I am also one of the posters that has minor problems with psoriasis, I even have arthritic psoriasis which is very "livable" and relatively under control, with very few extra problems from the medication.
I think it makes sense to share what I know. Maybe some of you will make a try with what I use, and maybe this will help them. The forum on the dutch site shows a lot of people that are very pleased with this medicine.
Below part one of a translation from the site psoriasistherapie dot nl on fumarates. As it is a translation, there may be stupid constructions in the sentences. My mastery of english is quite acceptable, but translating is quite a different job.
First some background information to build up the story.
Energy housekeeping and fumaric acid.
Fumaric aced is a body own substance. Chemically seen it is an unsaturated dicarbon acid. It is formed from cis-butanecarbonic acid (cis-barnstoneacid) under influence of succinatehydrogenasis. This biochemical conversion is a component of the so-called citric acid cycle, and takes place in the mitochondria. Mitochondria are not only the power of our cells, they play an important role in essential metabolic processes and the genetic transfer of a large number of degenerative diseases through specific mitochondrial DNA. A variety of genetic disorders can be attributed to mutations in the mitochondrial DNA, such as defects in the citric acid cycle. The citric acid cycle is a cycle in which oxidation of carbon compounds are oxidized to carbon dioxide. The carbon-containing compounds are derived from fats, sugars and amino acids. The vast majority of fuel is supplied in the form of acetyl-CoA. The citric acid cycle contains except fumaric acid, several intermediate metabolites, such as shown in the accompanying illustration.
![[Image: citroencyclus.gif]](https://psoriasistherapie%20dot%20nl/images/stories/citroencyclus.gif)
The upper portion of pyruvic acid to acetyl-coenzyme A does not actually belong to the citric acid cycle, but it's there to follow up the glycolysis. The reactions involving NAD + conversion to NADH and GDP to GTP and FAD to FADH2 mean that energy is released and that this energy has gone into these compounds formed. This energy is required with all of the biochemical processes in the body.
More to follow in a next post.
EDIT by Fred:
There is another thread for members conversations about about Dimethylfumarates here: [split] Dimethylfumarates and Psoriasis
You may also be interested in Bill's pure dimethylfumarate thread
And this one explains Fumaderm which is a DMF that you will probably get prescribed in pats of Europe. Fumaderm