Sun-11-03-2018, 05:14 AM
(Sun-11-03-2018, 01:57 AM)Will20 Wrote: Hello Araorun,
I too am Diabetic (Type 2 and on Insulin) and I find when I eat foods which contain sugars my skin goes crazy and I itch like mad. Try to avoid sugar and drink loads of water.
As a suggestion you could put several drops of baby oil in the Bath water and have a 20 minute soak, pat your skin dry with a towel.
Go see your GP and request a referral to see a Dermatologist.
hi and thanks! it's so hard having two autoimmune diseases going crazy at once, and treatment for one exacerbates the other.
to your points: i do drink water ALL THE TIME and I rarely ever eat sugar. I'm type 1 insulin-dependent, so sugar is reduced to a rare treat for me, unless I am bottoming out.
i have been putting coconut oil in the bath as i've not found it helps via direct application. but the minor med doc today told me to avoid baths. because some of the skin on my legs is broken open and bleeding, he said a bath could increase my risk of infection. except to get scales off painlessly, i haven't noticed baths helping and prefer showers anyway. but I shall see.
did find out when I got to the pharmacy that Medicaid would not pay for the topical steroid without a PA (prior authorization), but did pay for the 47-pill predisone burst ... the doc at the minor med who wrote that will have to call Medicaid and give them a prior authorization. he did advise against taking predisone, but i started it this afternoon. since i didn't fill the scrip til after 2 i didn't take 6 today... took 4 so far. after the first 2 my sugar shot up to 344 but then I took large dose of novolog and ate a pretty light dinner. took two more pills,fell asleep, checked it upon waking.... 124 and i was hungry, so i took some more insulin and ate the rest of my dinner.
my aunt, the retired RN and knows everything about every specialty, told me rheumatologists treat psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and they are as hard to get into in Memphis right now as a psychiatrist, a problem we both have had. she also asked why not a rheumatologist and I told her that was for the plaque psoriasis... any thoughts why a rheumatologist was never mentioned before to me?
i must say with the steriod shot last night and the pills today, I am already noticing very slight improvement in the most inflamed areas. I know it's not a fix, but right now even a band-aid will do. the minor med doc mentioned systemics and the ER idiot doc said I probably need the injections, which I've heard diabetics can't take, but I am convinced he didn't remember i was type 1 -- hence the 47-pill predisone burst without any discussion of effect on sugars.
ankles & feet wrapped in ace bandages, been staying off my feet a lot today.... oh, and to go back to your comment about my PCP for a referral, Baptist got me into their referral system so hopefully i can stay out of his office. like i said in my OP, i have a very demanding job i just started and I'm already on the line for missing 3 days due to son's illness and an incident at his school where he was physically injured by a bully. so Monday this past week I got the "your job is going to be on the line" talk even though they acknowledge I'm doing excellent work. I think with the notes from ED, minor med and urgent referral, they have to understand this is something i have to do. hope hope hope. i've worked hard to get into this company for more than a year.
thanks for your suggestions and support... i pray for the day I get into that specialist and get a real treatment plan to take this issue down will happen sooner than later.... your suggestions all mean a lot to me and as a recovering addict as well i've joined other online groups and just dropped out. that's not happening here.