I made the Psoriasis Score page to help me keep track of how my treatment is helping my psoriasis. Please note it is not the pasi score used by dermatologists but it will help you keep track of how you are doing. It can be used by Members and Guests. you can find it on the menu bar above.
Answer the questions on coverage and severity, ranking them from 0 - 4
0 = None / 1 = Low / 2 = Medium / 3 = High
After you answer all the questions push the score button, a window will pop up with you score. (if you get a score NaN it's because you missed a box, you need to tick all the box's)
It's private and no record is kept, so keep a note of your score to compare with your next visit.
Members can put scores in their profiles by clicking "User CP" / "Edit profile" / "Additional Information"
You can also post your score on this thread if you want and share how well you are doing.
We also have the Psoriatic Arthritis Score here: https://psoriasisclub.org/psoriaticarthritisscore.php
If you want more information about PASI see this thread What is the PASI score my dermatologist uses ?
Answer the questions on coverage and severity, ranking them from 0 - 4
0 = None / 1 = Low / 2 = Medium / 3 = High
After you answer all the questions push the score button, a window will pop up with you score. (if you get a score NaN it's because you missed a box, you need to tick all the box's)
It's private and no record is kept, so keep a note of your score to compare with your next visit.
Members can put scores in their profiles by clicking "User CP" / "Edit profile" / "Additional Information"
You can also post your score on this thread if you want and share how well you are doing.
We also have the Psoriatic Arthritis Score here: https://psoriasisclub.org/psoriaticarthritisscore.php
If you want more information about PASI see this thread What is the PASI score my dermatologist uses ?