Contagious: A contagious disease is one that can be transmitted from one living being to another through direct or indirect contact. Thus the flu, which can be transmitted by coughing, and cholera, which is often acquired by drinking contaminated water, are contagious diseases.
Psoriasis: Is an autoimmune disease that can be passed on through genetic make-up, and can be triggered by injury to the skin, emotional state, illness, hormone changes, and some foods. Just because you have psoriasis does not mean your children or other family members will have it, due to it being in the genes.
So if anyone asks: You can tell them. No psoriasis is not contagious. It cannot be passed on by skin to skin contact, it is not found in air, water or food. It cannot be transmitted by insects, towels, pets, etc. you cannot catch it from a blood transfusions, or having sex.
It is impossible for any living thing to catch psoriasis. So don’t worry if we have just used that seat on the bus, don’t worry if you bump into us and notice our skin, you will be perfectly safe.
Oh and if you would be good enough to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, we would be grateful. as we have a weak immune system and we don’t want to catch your germs.
Thank you.