Tue-30-06-2015, 14:39 PM
So if some of you were following my aloe vera and vitamins thread, you will know I decided to go back onto medication and tomorrow was when I'm due to talk to them about it. I have now been off medication for about 8 weeks, and my psoriasis has now..calmed down significantly
I have had no new pustules appearing on my feet for a good while, my psoriasis on my stomach has cleared and the legs are clearing up as well, and I've only been using double base and some other creams now and again on my feet.
I'm now considering just getting some more creams tomorrow and continuing with them to see if I still stay clear as my crohns and arthritis is doing ok at the moment, so I don't need any medication for them. I'm guessing all the different medications that has been pushed around my body over the past few years were just making everything worse!

I'm now considering just getting some more creams tomorrow and continuing with them to see if I still stay clear as my crohns and arthritis is doing ok at the moment, so I don't need any medication for them. I'm guessing all the different medications that has been pushed around my body over the past few years were just making everything worse!