Hey all I'm a newbie to this forum
recommended to me
just a quick intro
I'm a sufferer of psoriasis and have been for 14 years it's started getting worse was just plaque but now the dermo believe guttate has now started up
woop like I did have enough 
I'm also a sufferer of psoriatic arthritis and ive suffered with that for around 5 year. Psoriasis doesn't like creams and I've had zero success with anything
I've had radiation in my knee for the arthritis (yttrium injection) sadly I'm still suffering after having it twice
thanks for reading. Hope to speak to you all soon
Lucky xx

I'm a sufferer of psoriasis and have been for 14 years it's started getting worse was just plaque but now the dermo believe guttate has now started up

I'm also a sufferer of psoriatic arthritis and ive suffered with that for around 5 year. Psoriasis doesn't like creams and I've had zero success with anything

Lucky xx