(Wed-09-03-2016, 06:10 AM)Gnfanatic Wrote: Hello from New York : I have been a psoriasis sufferer (moderate) for 5 years now. Its in my mothers side of the family and and I got it at the age of 33 years old. For the past 5 years I have tried many different creams and diets to control it. Over the years I figured what would inflame it more and what did absolutely nothing to fight it. I have given up on the natural route and will start going on meds for the first time. Within 2 weeks my insurance company approved my prescription for cosentyx and I will be receiving it this Thursday. I am excited and nervous at the same time, I am worried about side effects but it has gotten to the point I will try anything. I am also worried that it will work well and then one day my body will get immune to it and the out breaks will come back (this happened with the cream's).
I have it in the typical area's except for my nails. I will be taking before and after pics and will update you guys every week. I am not sure how many of you are on cosentyx but would love to hear from you. Not sure what else to say??
Hi Ralph and a big to the club, we are a small but growing band of psoriasis sufferers, happy to exchange views on this awful disease, and what works and what doesn't work for us.
Just delve in there is loads of information here in the health boards and several members on Cosentyx who may answer your thread, but it seems with Cosentyx that it works, and many forget to come back and tell us
Here's a couple of links you may like to read
Cosentyx beats Stelara in head to head
Cosentyx significantly improves itching, pain, and scaling
Cosentyx gets FDA approval for psoriatic arthritis
Introduction of me! I'm Sarah. :)
I haven't been on Cosentyx but I hear it's a very good drug and can give fast results
I wish you luck when you start and please let us know how it works for you
Meantime enjoy the forum it is packed with information and in the off topic section filled with fun
I look forward to hearing more from you