Thu-02-04-2015, 13:30 PM
(Thu-02-04-2015, 13:20 PM)AmandaL Wrote:(Thu-02-04-2015, 13:02 PM)Fred Wrote:(Thu-02-04-2015, 12:57 PM)AmandaL Wrote: I was diagnosed at 4 with guttae psorasis after getting strep throat which progressed into plaque psorasis as I got older.
Diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis at age 21 and dx with PPP at 24
Ouch that is young, do you think it helped getting it so young in respect of living with it or did it still hold your social life back as you reached adulthood?
I think it definitely helped. I was never too self concious about it until I was around 18 when it started getting really bad and I was wanting to go out clubbing and look good.
I didn't get it till around 25 but it did knock my confidence for six, though I did find accepting it helped a lot also the older I got the less I worried about what others think.
Don't judge the book by it's cover I say.