Mon-05-01-2015, 09:10 AM
Hi all!
Hi kyprincess!
Fred, hijack any time!
You have a good point with parabens..... maybe I'll stop using it?
Now Mrs Andy is researching that too.
I have psoriasis bad on my scalp.
The mg217 does not help there at all.
Not for me anyway. .... I agree research any product and make a very informed decision.
(Ahem, more informed than me at any rate)
I always try a small test area first. Just a thought.
What does work on the scalp for many is a soak in the tub with oatmeal.
(I have not tried it yet) but I'm told that putting about 2 cups of oatmeal in a nylon sock
(To contain the mess) in warm bath water works very well for some people.
Maybe I'll try it this week?
hey! I really am loving all the welcomes and input, gives me some more hope.
Hi kyprincess!
Fred, hijack any time!
You have a good point with parabens..... maybe I'll stop using it?
Now Mrs Andy is researching that too.
I have psoriasis bad on my scalp.
The mg217 does not help there at all.
Not for me anyway. .... I agree research any product and make a very informed decision.
(Ahem, more informed than me at any rate)
I always try a small test area first. Just a thought.
What does work on the scalp for many is a soak in the tub with oatmeal.
(I have not tried it yet) but I'm told that putting about 2 cups of oatmeal in a nylon sock
(To contain the mess) in warm bath water works very well for some people.
Maybe I'll try it this week?
hey! I really am loving all the welcomes and input, gives me some more hope.