Tue-28-04-2015, 00:09 AM
Well it's been a funny old week.
My psoriasis seems to have levelled out somewhat. Neither better nor worse.
No pustules but still prone to dryness ( which, if left unchecked, can tear). The heat is still a problem and they are still supersensitive. My toenails are the same. Neither getting better or worse.
Three achievements of note. One, that I managed to give my kitchen a lovely, deep clean. It took me 5 hours.
That doesn't mean it was filthy
it means that I paced myself with plenty of breaks in between.
I booked a taxi on Saturday and took my boy to a Scarecrow Making Workshop where he made a couple of new little friends ( real people not scarecrows). And I got some adult company too......and free coffee. Yay!
And today I did the school run ( via bus & very steady walking). So many parents seemed genuinely pleased to see me and I was made quite a fuss of. It was nice.
Not so nice when I got home though and discovered that my boy had accidently ordered £40 worth of toys off Amazon.
That'll teach me to log out of my account BEFORE I let him loose on my laptop.
I went for my first massage/acupuncture session today and, boy, did she not have her work cut out. I have knots on top of knots to iron out.
Hardly surprising given how much tension I have been storing over the months/years.
I already feel a difference in my posture.
The one 'niggle' I have though is sleep. If I was on Australian time it would be perfect. But it's not stress or worry that's keeping me awake. I seem to have developed an insatiable appetite for reading (I have always been a reader but never on this scale).
I lay in bed and questions pop into my brain then I feel compelled to get up and start researching. Crazy!!!
So that's been my week and I'm still feeling positive, calm and smiling more.
Hope you all have had a fantastic week too.
My psoriasis seems to have levelled out somewhat. Neither better nor worse.
No pustules but still prone to dryness ( which, if left unchecked, can tear). The heat is still a problem and they are still supersensitive. My toenails are the same. Neither getting better or worse.
Three achievements of note. One, that I managed to give my kitchen a lovely, deep clean. It took me 5 hours.
That doesn't mean it was filthy

I booked a taxi on Saturday and took my boy to a Scarecrow Making Workshop where he made a couple of new little friends ( real people not scarecrows). And I got some adult company too......and free coffee. Yay!
And today I did the school run ( via bus & very steady walking). So many parents seemed genuinely pleased to see me and I was made quite a fuss of. It was nice.

Not so nice when I got home though and discovered that my boy had accidently ordered £40 worth of toys off Amazon.

That'll teach me to log out of my account BEFORE I let him loose on my laptop.
I went for my first massage/acupuncture session today and, boy, did she not have her work cut out. I have knots on top of knots to iron out.
Hardly surprising given how much tension I have been storing over the months/years.
I already feel a difference in my posture.

The one 'niggle' I have though is sleep. If I was on Australian time it would be perfect. But it's not stress or worry that's keeping me awake. I seem to have developed an insatiable appetite for reading (I have always been a reader but never on this scale).
I lay in bed and questions pop into my brain then I feel compelled to get up and start researching. Crazy!!!

So that's been my week and I'm still feeling positive, calm and smiling more.
Hope you all have had a fantastic week too.