Hello Guest, Welcome To The Psoriasis Club Forum. We are a self funded friendly group of people who understand.
Never be alone with psoriasis, come and join us. (Members see a lot more than you) LoginRegister
The new style newsletter has had good reviews and I thank those of you that commented, it seems a good idea to continue with the format as we have not received any negative reports Another busy month on the forum with the membership continuing to grow, If you are currently a subscriber you don't need to do anything you will still receive notification at the beginning of each month. If you don't currently recieve one and would like to receive an email when a new newsletter is made click Here! If you haven't logged-in for a while please do pop in and tell us how you are doing, or come and meet some of our new members. Or read some of the studies that have been posted, Could I ask if you do follow a link from here to a post, it would be helpful to me if you log in, that way I can see that the Newsletter is read and being valued by you as a member
Note: Subscribed members get an early view of the newsletter.
Psoriasis Club 7 years and going strong
A Short Club History
In May 2010 Fred was unhappy with the support he could find for his disease Psoriasis on the internet ...he wanted somewhere to be comfortable to look for information and talk with others who understood how he felt. Fred found a lot of places online that didn't suit his needs , there were lots of scammers who were mainly interested in money, or selling a dream and keeping fat cats and the large pharmaceutical companies happy. In the couple of forums available he soon discovered they were asking for donations, some had advertising, they were not always friendly and supportive, in all he was unhappy with the cyber bullying and trolling on those sites . He thought there had to be a better way.....
So Fred decided that if there wasn't somewhere safe to meet, he would start to build a place where people would be pleased to visit and he would make it accessible to all sufferers around the world. It would be free to belong to, spammers would not be tolerated, there would be no advertising or links to other sites ....making it a friendly safe place to meet .... I'm sure when he started it he didn't imagine how successful he would be..... attracting a good mix of members from around the world. With more and more members finding us every month, and this month as well as the Sixth Anniversary of the club we are also celebrating achieving over 100,000 posts ....with 949 active members
The forum has a wealth of information about the latest advances in research into the disease, along with a myriad of Members experiences. For members that want to join in more ( which is encouraged) there is a very active off topic section The site has been funded by Fred and he has secured the club financially until 2020 giving us all security to continue posting securely.
Do you want to know more .......You can read more Here
Members Questions and treatments. click on the links and see if you can help.
Mateychuck tells of his continued success after 10 years on Fumaderm .. More
Then Vincent asks after being on Fumaderm since November ..when will it start working More
Random person felt like a hopeless mess , but hope is on the horizon since being prescribed Sulfasalazine More
PAmerican talks about the road to getting Cosentyx More
Natalielouise says she wouldn't dream of going swimming these days Read more
mbetsysmith is happy is happy to have found somewhere to talk about PsoriasisMore here
My 92year old father on acitretin and is looking for advice Here
Itchyarms says hi, I'm a 19 year old looking for advice .Read More
PsA _PTT ...Asks did you get a treatment that didn't work for you More
sacha is suffering with prickly itch anyone got any help to offer Read More
Jim_59...says hello and can you give advice for my father who is on HumiraRead more here
Madpaddy has a question about cosentyx and eye infections ....Read more
Valerie asks ....has anyone experienced a correlation with high blood pressure meds and the onset of psoriasis Here
New Introductions.
Please look at these introductions and come and welcome the new members that have taken the trouble to write an introduction.
Taltz works the same regardless of weight
Read More
This study looks at topical treatments for psoriasis from 26 countries
... More
Promotional Cards.
Are you like me and start talking to someone and they say " is that psoriasis you have, my friend suffers with that" it's happened to me on occasions and I rack my brain for this clubs web address .....now I just say " give them one of these cards so he can look and see what we're about"
If you would like to use the cards you will need to download the new ones from this link: Download here
Once you have downloaded the PDF you can print off an A4 page with 8 cards.
*Please do not put them out anywhere without the owners consent.
Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis score
You have probably noticed on some members profiles that it shows a psoriasis score and some a psoriatic arthritis score, it's not an official scoring system but it's a great way for you and others to see how effective your treatment is ... if you want to see what yours is click on Psoriasis Score
And try it out...for the arthritis score scroll to the bottom of the page
Hints and tips
Each month I will add a tip or a helpful link to assist with your posts
internal links
You have seen when you are on the forum and reading a thread that there are links leading to other posts or threads....it is not difficult for you to add links yourself if you follow the simple instructions on this link....
internal links This will help you if you are trying to point at another of your posts or to somebody else's
Should you get stuck ask a member of the forum team who are always pleased to offer assistance Forum Team
Have you got some news about Psoriasis?
If you have seen or have an item of interest you think might be worth publishing on the club site, and weren't sure if it would be acceptable for publishing. There is now a dedicated board where you can post the article, and it will only be seen by yourself and the moderator...Then you can discuss any edits that might be needed
This is not for normal questions or introductions .....but for articles about psoriasis that are not your experience.
For more information about this click Here
Want More
A lot of members only threads have been updated, so why not log-in and have a quick look around.
*There are other members only boards. But as it depends on how many posts you have made and what group you are in I won't add them here. The only way to see them is to make more posts.
If you want to follow us on Twitter you can find us here: @Psoriasisclub
If you're a member of Psoriasis Club and follow us please let us know and we will follow you back.
Please remember no posts and no log-in for 12 months, your account will be deleted. For more information about this policy See Here!
Members photos.
This month I shall be featuring JohnB's recent trip to Riga, the Latvian capital city, set on the Baltic Sea ....John has posted some stunning pictures this is one of them
This picture shows the great architecture ( JohnB picture)
To see more of JohnB's pictures go Here
Sunflower Competition
How about a worldwide sunflower competition, nothing serious but it would be interesting to see each other's efforts ... ....See more Here
Sneaky peak
We have an active Off Topic Board and we thought we would share five sneaky peaks with our lurkers.
A little movie to share some nostalgia .Click Here
Turnedlight shows us the composition of her painting
Here Turnedlight shows us how she created this picture
See Here
When you've seen that browse through her thread to see her other artistic creations.
Come for a walk
There's a lot going on in the off topic boards ..... Why don't we take a walk with Fred around a special part of France he has shared with us
Here's a taster picture
click on the link to take the tranquil stroll Click Here
Want to be a columnist?
Would you like to have a column in the newsletter?
If you have an idea for a column in the newsletter and you could come up with something each month please let me know via PM or
Post Here
April fool
How many of you were caught on April 1st.... April fool thread Click Here
One liners
I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose fitting clothing.
If I HAD any loose fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up in the first place!....
For more oneliners Click Here
What is it?
Do you know what this is?
Hippo Square,Taipei Zoo in Taiwan.
The sculpture features a pod of semisubmerged hippos at play.