Hello Guest, Welcome To The Psoriasis Club Forum. We are a self funded friendly group of people who understand.
Never be alone with psoriasis, come and join us. (Members see a lot more than you) LoginRegister
Welcome to the new style newsletter: I'm Jim and Fred has asked me to try this new style of Newsletter please let myself or Fred know if you like it, or hate it. We are just trying to find a format that suits the majority of members.. If you are currently a subscriber you don't need to do anything you will still receive notification at the beginning of each month. If you don't currently recieve one and would like to receive an email when a new newsletter is made click Here! If you haven't logged-in for a while please do pop in and tell us how you are doing, or come and meet some of our new members. Or read some of the studies that have been posted, Could I just ask if you do follow a link here to a post, it would be helpful to me if you log in, that way I can see that the Newsletter is read and being valued by you as a member
Note: Subscribed members get an early view of the newsletter.
Members Questions and treatments. click on the links and see if you can help.
Sophia is suffering as Fumaderm is making her nauseous .. More
Frank asks ...does anyone else here have pustular psoriasis? More
Lauralou87 asks ...can you tell if this is psoriasis More
Yozzerblue says ...I'm on Fumaderm and am constantly on the toilet ....advice needed More
I'm Paul and plagued by psoriasis elbows knees and back....anyone got any hints for me Read more
hi everyone said Spottysocks, I have a question about Taltz...More here
Hi from Tracey...I have just started Otezla read more ...Here
JohnB asks does anyone else with psoriasis here suffer with Reynaud's...Read More
Shirlando asks...Is it possible to have psoriasis under the skin, as I itch all over More
Mac092 is on Fumaderm and worried that the Psoriasis is coming back Read More
This new member is struggling with her Psoriasis and feels like a hopeless mess Read more here
PWSCHNEIDER has just started Taltz injections read about it Here
New Introductions.
Please look at these introductions and come and welcome the new members that have taken the trouble to write an introduction.
Tracey is new to all this and starting Otezla today ... More
greycloud says Hi everybody looking forward to learning a lot here.. More
Hi I'm Paul and have been plagued with psoriasis and welcome any hints More
This Months Stats.
30 New Members | 67 New Threads | 2059 New Posts | 5 Newsletter subscriptions
Could Cosentyx give long term relief after the finish of treatment More
Psoriasis patients should be careful with flammable creams More
Women have lower incidence of severe psoriasis ..have your say here find out more
No increased risk of fractures in Psoriasis patients is suggested in this study Read More
Where is your prescribed psoriasi treatment made Read More
New logo and cards.
We now have a new identity in the form of a new logo. Fred has incorporated it in the new header as you can see above
Get in touch and let us have your opinion as, we are trying to make the club more modern looking
He has also produced some new cards which we can print off and use to promote the club
For you to use the cards you will need to download the new ones from this link: Download here Once you have downloaded the PDF you can print off an A4 page with 8 cards.
*Please do not put them out anywhere without the owners consent.
Using the Portal ...Did you Know
If you click on Portal ( second item along under the banner at the top of this page ) I think this is a very useful facility
A ) You can see the last twenty posts listed on the right hand side
B) If you scroll down on the right hand side you can see links to polls, and other quick links
C) you can see at a glance if their are messages for you
D) You will see forum statistics if you click on them Full Statistics You can also see which are the most read posts how many hits they have had etc. And for members that may have trouble navigating around the site there are links to these threads
E) In the main body you can read the latest threads and if interested click to go to the thread
I just thought that the Portal was an under used facility and may help some members navigating the forum....it certainly helps me
How to add pictures to your posts
We have three tutorials on the forum to show how to put a picture in your post
The first one will show how using "imgur" to host your picture
This is how to post if you have an iPad or tablet using "imgur" to host your pictures iPad Tutorial
The last tutorial shows how to post pictures if you use Flickr as your host Flickr Tutorials
Have you got some news about Psoriasis?
If you have seen or have an item of interest you think might be worth publishing on the club site, and weren't sure if it would be acceptable for publishing. There is now a dedicated board where you can post the article, and it will only be seen by yourself and the moderator...Then you can discuss any edits that might be needed
This is not for normal questions or introductions .....but for articles about psoriasis that are not your experience.
For more information about this click Here
The Chatting Thread
This thread was started as an option for new members and existing members to come and have a chat, it's informal, tell of your weather or read what the weather is like as told by members, tell us of something, an event you have been to, something you always wanted to ask but never new quite where to put it
It's there for us all to use, to make new friends and aquaintences
Come and join in .......
More here
Want More
A lot of members only threads have been updated, so why not log-in and have a quick look around.
*There are other members only boards. But as it depends on how many posts you have made and what group you are in I won't add them here. The only way to see them is to make more posts.
Please remember no posts and no log-in for 12 months, your account will be deleted. For more information about this policy See Here!
Members photos.
Each month I will be showing a members photo here, this months is chosen by me, but if you would like one of your pictures shown to a wider audience just let me know.
This photo shows the view across the bay at Bridlington towards Flamborough from home Says Dave ( D Foster picture)
To see more of Daves pictures go Here
Spring Photos
I couldn't resist adding Carolines breathtaking photos from the Netherlands Keukenhof Gardens... ....See more Here
Sneaky peak
We have an active Off Topic Board and we thought we would share five sneaky peaks with our lurkers.
If Ginger nuts are your only weakness, you are doing well.More
Would be really Great, a bit of sun on your back or anywhere....Read more Here
I am going to have to cut back on the booze.Read More
Will you share your candy with me Grizzly. See More
I'm a huge animal person, and always love seeing what pets people have.Click Here
Pictures you can add to your posts
There are a series of pictures which you can easily add to your posts why not see if you could use them in your posts
See Here
Real Spring
We are officially in Spring now and can begin to shelve the winter blues....why not come and see what the members are saying in the off topic section Click Here
Want to be a columnist?
Would you like to have a column in the newsletter?
If you have an idea for a column in the newsletter and you could come up with something each month please let me know via PM or
Post Here
Avatar Competion
The Avatar competition has been stopped, as we now have a nice modern default avatar. Let us know your views on the new default avatar
However you can still change it for one of your own pictures if you wish (upload straight from your album) To see how Click Here
One liners
Q. What lies on its back 100 feet in the air? To see the answer ....Click Here
What is it?
Do you know what this is?
Retired French cabinet maker Michel Robillard handbuilt a wooden 2CV Citroen and the picture above is of the door.
Yes it has an engine and can be driven.
Next edition
Dont miss out
Next Newsletter Arives In..
*Remember subscribers get an early copy.
If you want to follow us on Twitter you can find us here: @Psoriasisclub
If you're a member of Psoriasis Club and follow us please let us know and we will follow you back.