Thu-26-12-2024, 18:57 PM
Sorry, I haven't been on here in quite some time- this is such a good group for support of psoriasis sufferers.
I feel I need to share my journey in case it can help someone.
I've had plaque psoriasis for about 40 years, since I was in my 20s. Have had "several" general practitioners and dermatologists these years. Tried all of the creams and ointments, light treatments, etc with no real improvement.
I've had the theory for a while that it was something I was eating that was not agreeing with my system, but Every Single Doctor I asked said the diet has no effect on skin.
Well, I saw a kinesiologist this summer to help me with IBS, and he was able to do a food sensitivity test for me. Turns out I'm very sensitive to all dairy, all yeast, several fruits and vegetables, sugar. With this knowledge I started on a carnivore diet - meat and eggs, including fish - to help with IBS because that was making me miserable.
Bonus! Yes, my IBS is 90% improved - but the amazing thing is that my psoriasis is GONE. I still have some scarring, but I am not flaking off huge chunks of skin, and overall my skin feels so much better. And for an old lady this is miraculous!!!
And this is just in the past 4 months. I'm going to continue this way of eating because I feel so much better overall (obviously removing things like milk and bread that were trying to kill me -will have that effect!) It was difficult at first, but now that I'm past the initial cravings etc, it's much easier to go to the grocery. Stay to the outside, don't give in to temptation down the aisles!!!
I feel I need to share my journey in case it can help someone.
I've had plaque psoriasis for about 40 years, since I was in my 20s. Have had "several" general practitioners and dermatologists these years. Tried all of the creams and ointments, light treatments, etc with no real improvement.
I've had the theory for a while that it was something I was eating that was not agreeing with my system, but Every Single Doctor I asked said the diet has no effect on skin.
Well, I saw a kinesiologist this summer to help me with IBS, and he was able to do a food sensitivity test for me. Turns out I'm very sensitive to all dairy, all yeast, several fruits and vegetables, sugar. With this knowledge I started on a carnivore diet - meat and eggs, including fish - to help with IBS because that was making me miserable.
Bonus! Yes, my IBS is 90% improved - but the amazing thing is that my psoriasis is GONE. I still have some scarring, but I am not flaking off huge chunks of skin, and overall my skin feels so much better. And for an old lady this is miraculous!!!
And this is just in the past 4 months. I'm going to continue this way of eating because I feel so much better overall (obviously removing things like milk and bread that were trying to kill me -will have that effect!) It was difficult at first, but now that I'm past the initial cravings etc, it's much easier to go to the grocery. Stay to the outside, don't give in to temptation down the aisles!!!