Mon-18-06-2012, 21:33 PM
Hello everyone

I have just joined and thought I would tell you a little about myself. I'm Tamsin in 25 and was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was 18. I used to have it very badly and all over includin my face, but since getting older it has become milder. I now tend to get it on my elbows, legs and scalp but in small patches.
I'm sure you have heard it all before but I've found it really hard to cope with psoriasis and have generally quite low self esteem. I don't like to go out wearing clothes that show my spots of psoriasis. I have learned to cope with the fact I have it but still find showing it in public quite hard. And hence my single status, being worried about what men will say has put me off dating at the moment! Lol sounds rediculous now I'm telling someone!
Apart from that I'm generally a happy, healthy person and I enjoy jogging and eating healthily. I have a job that I love although it is a renowned professional for its stressful nature haha the big old STRESS word we all hate!
I hope to make some friends here, it's always nice to talk to people who understand what it's like

Well that's me, please feel free to reply