Wed-31-08-2022, 22:05 PM
(Wed-31-08-2022, 21:58 PM)Cowsaregreat Wrote: I’ve read what you’ve all written regarding weight and psoriasis. Personally, being over weight is such a personal subject. My psoriasis started through stress - that’s the main contributing factor. I’ve had to come to a place in my own head where my mental health is much, much more important than my weight will ever be. I understand people won’t understand that (because it’s obviously ‘very easy’ to lose weight). We are all entitled to our own opinions and we all don’t have to agree.
If it helps I'm over weight but I don't care, feeling happy is much more important than worrying if my weight is making the psoriasis worse. It's not though by the way and like you say we all have our opinions.
The doctors that have told me to loose weight are always stick insects, I say be happy in yourself we are who and what we are.
Loosing weight could help they say, but I've tried and it made no difference to me with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.
Keep going with the Otezla (apremilast) it's early days.