So I haven't been on this forum for a few months, but about 2 months ago my psoriasis was really getting bad (still is a pain of course) and I decided to buy a one month tanning package to see if it could do anything for me. about 2 weeks in of going every other day, I started to notice my psoriasis was much milder and didn't start flaking quite as fast. I dunno, maybe it was all in my mind, but the owner noticed the psoriasis on my forehead and asked if that was why I was tanning and I said yes. The lady looked like, right at me and said, "I legally cannot tell you that tanning helps or cures anything, but I can tell you, that we have many people with psoriasis who come here regularly and in the time I have owned this salon I have seen the worse psoriasis you can imagine, some people that have it so bad they need help in and out of the beds, and the beds require extra cleaning after. It's not a pretty thing to talk about, but since you know what it's like, I feel okay telling you about this. I have seen much improvement in people who are diligent." 
I live in a very cold cloudy environment, and would prefer natural sunlight, but it just isn't possible here. In that month I did notice a difference in my skin, and improvement, but unfortunately being unemployed and full time student that can hardly afford gas to get to school, I can't afford a tanning package any more. But when it is sunny here, rare as it is, I bask... boy do I bask.

I live in a very cold cloudy environment, and would prefer natural sunlight, but it just isn't possible here. In that month I did notice a difference in my skin, and improvement, but unfortunately being unemployed and full time student that can hardly afford gas to get to school, I can't afford a tanning package any more. But when it is sunny here, rare as it is, I bask... boy do I bask.