Wed-10-11-2021, 04:11 AM
(Tue-09-11-2021, 11:04 AM)jiml Wrote: Hi Piansa and a big welcomeThanks for the welcome!to the forum. I hope you enjoy your time with us we are all sufferers of this condition and are all happy to share information on what works for us . We have a section about natural treatments here Natural Treatments For Psoriasis where you will see what some of our members have tried, what you won't find are any scams or adverts for miracle cures.
we are a friendly bunch of sufferers who are always happy to answer any questions you may have, from personal experience as non of us are doctors just sufferers like you trying to make life more comfortable with psoriasis
It was interesting to learn that guava leaves kept psoriasis away for 10 years that's brilliant . What do you do with the leaves ? do you just rub them on?
Shame when making tea with them it made matters worse ...I do hope you can get clear again soon
The guava leaves are actually boiled and then placed on the affected areas and kept there for some time, and did that every morning for 3 days.
It was actually meant to cure the infection that arose (termed cellulitis) because guava leaves are known to be disinfectant, and I was surprised that it also cured my psoriasis after suffering 10 years!
And because I got impressed, that I drank guava tea but experienced allergies to it, that it turned into psoriasis, and now has a wider scope than before