Tue-22-08-2023, 21:03 PM
Hi everybody o/
Wow it's interesting to read back my own thread, it reads like the diary of a journey, which it is.
I'm still almost clear and wearing cute little dresses, which is a must with my legs =]
Diet. The diet is not a struggle, it's become a habit. Mostly. I do have some fries at the local snackbar every now and again, even knowing it's not fried in an allowed oil... but hey. For the rest, it's prepping and batch cooking. The minus 10 kilo I maintain.
Switched to lectin free, which is less strict. (Removed by Fred)
Lectins are the new evil mkay, it's quite interesting and there's science to back it up.
This diet allows for soooo much extra foods, as I was on the much stricter AIP diet before.
No prefab things, because most contain things on the no list.
It adds:
- basmati and sushi rice, pressure cooked. Oh sushi! Oh curries (slightly modified)
- tomatos, pressure cooked or fresh without skins and seeds Oh guacamole!
- sesame seeds, so tahini
- walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds without skins (so almond and coconut muffins
- eggs, oh eggs! Preferebly grass and bug fed and grainfree feed but that's not an option in the Netherlands yet untill I get my own chickens. Next spring or sooner.
- goat milk and products
- flax. It's great for smooth bowel movements. Must be freshly ground in a little coffee grinder because of oxidation when pre ground.
- A2 milk from cows, like from southern Europe. This allows for certain French cheeses AND French butter. Imagine a quick bowl of rice with butter, salt and sesame seeds.
- sorghum and millet
- potatoes; pressure cooked. so good for mash or cooled down as a salad with i.e. canned salmon
wheat, rye and oats are still a nono. I do miss me a good French baguette.
And I'm doing fine on this, you can imagine all the extra options I now allow myself. Mugcake in the morning (coconut and almond flour) Look up removed, don't be stingy on the coconut oil, add some extra and a wee bit more water than mentioned. And chocolate powder
Added 4 days ago; Earthing or grounding. There's science on this, see Removed or search for 'Removed'. It helps with stress, normalizes cortisol and sleep patterns, quicker wound and muscle recovery (see research on Tour de France athletes), inflammation etcetera. So I went for it and got a mat on my desk that touches my skin and is connected to the ground/earth wire of the electricity. I walk barefoot in the garden, or sit barefoot (not an option in winter here) and I've never had so much energy! Out of habit I still try my afternoon naps which I took out of sheer exhaustion but I can't now, too happily wired. It's actually nothing weird, I recall how happy I feel when I walk in the sea (defenitely earthing that is) and when I sit outside barefooted I can feel tingling in my feet. So, as one who likes to address all options that battle inflammation in a healthy way, I'm hooked. We'll see how this pans out in the long term.
Edit by Fred removed some references to other websites.
Wow it's interesting to read back my own thread, it reads like the diary of a journey, which it is.
I'm still almost clear and wearing cute little dresses, which is a must with my legs =]
Diet. The diet is not a struggle, it's become a habit. Mostly. I do have some fries at the local snackbar every now and again, even knowing it's not fried in an allowed oil... but hey. For the rest, it's prepping and batch cooking. The minus 10 kilo I maintain.
Switched to lectin free, which is less strict. (Removed by Fred)
Lectins are the new evil mkay, it's quite interesting and there's science to back it up.
This diet allows for soooo much extra foods, as I was on the much stricter AIP diet before.
No prefab things, because most contain things on the no list.
It adds:
- basmati and sushi rice, pressure cooked. Oh sushi! Oh curries (slightly modified)
- tomatos, pressure cooked or fresh without skins and seeds Oh guacamole!
- sesame seeds, so tahini
- walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, pecans, almonds without skins (so almond and coconut muffins
- eggs, oh eggs! Preferebly grass and bug fed and grainfree feed but that's not an option in the Netherlands yet untill I get my own chickens. Next spring or sooner.
- goat milk and products
- flax. It's great for smooth bowel movements. Must be freshly ground in a little coffee grinder because of oxidation when pre ground.
- A2 milk from cows, like from southern Europe. This allows for certain French cheeses AND French butter. Imagine a quick bowl of rice with butter, salt and sesame seeds.
- sorghum and millet
- potatoes; pressure cooked. so good for mash or cooled down as a salad with i.e. canned salmon
wheat, rye and oats are still a nono. I do miss me a good French baguette.
And I'm doing fine on this, you can imagine all the extra options I now allow myself. Mugcake in the morning (coconut and almond flour) Look up removed, don't be stingy on the coconut oil, add some extra and a wee bit more water than mentioned. And chocolate powder

Added 4 days ago; Earthing or grounding. There's science on this, see Removed or search for 'Removed'. It helps with stress, normalizes cortisol and sleep patterns, quicker wound and muscle recovery (see research on Tour de France athletes), inflammation etcetera. So I went for it and got a mat on my desk that touches my skin and is connected to the ground/earth wire of the electricity. I walk barefoot in the garden, or sit barefoot (not an option in winter here) and I've never had so much energy! Out of habit I still try my afternoon naps which I took out of sheer exhaustion but I can't now, too happily wired. It's actually nothing weird, I recall how happy I feel when I walk in the sea (defenitely earthing that is) and when I sit outside barefooted I can feel tingling in my feet. So, as one who likes to address all options that battle inflammation in a healthy way, I'm hooked. We'll see how this pans out in the long term.
Edit by Fred removed some references to other websites.