Mon-11-03-2019, 13:50 PM
Hello everyone. I’m from the State of Georgia in the USA. I’m excited to be a part of this fourm. I was first diagnosed with PsA back in 2016. After Methotrexate and Enbrel failed me, my Rhematologist prescribed Cosentyx. I injected 150 mg last Friday. On Saturday out of know where I became so overwhelmed that I was going to pass out. It was so scary. Then I had bad stomach pains and cramps. Then here comes the diarrhea. I started to feel a little better until about 10 minutes later ... this horrible nausea came over me. I projectile threw up 2 times then this extreme fatigue set in that lasted 2 days. I was curious if anyone else has had these side effects? I’m hoping that was a one time thing. Thank you!