Thu-08-09-2011, 23:29 PM
Hello everyone some of you will know me
to those that don't I have had psoriasis for well over 30 years now and psoriatic arthritis for about 25.
I can still remember the first signs, it was a small chunk on my head that just wouldn't go away. stupid doctor told me to try "Head & Shoulders" (Idiot). anyway eventually I got to see a dermatologist and off I went on a journey of Creams, Tar, & Light Therapy. It helped for a while but I soon found out there is no cure. Over the years I have tried most prescribed and some unusual home remedies. and I did manage to live with it apart from a few bouts of depression which I managed to sort myself out with.
Then about 5 years ago the psoriatic arthritis came back with a vengeance. It hit me hard, I couldn't move or even hold a cup to my mouth. reluctantly I went to the doctor who in turn got me straight in to see a dermatologist. I was pleasantly surprised on how things had moved on in treatments and was lucky enough to now be living in France which has an excellent health service.
I was given Remicade and my life totally changed my skin cleared and I could move again. just as I thought all was going well I had a reaction and moved on to Humira. again another reaction, moved on to Enbrel. the Enbrel was the best and it lasted about a year before psoriasis started coming back.
last year I went onto Stelara and so far so good my skin is about 95% clear with only a few niggly bits that just wont go and my arthritis is manageable. I do keep a blog and will be posting more on the forum on my treatment as I go along.
Well that's a bit about my life with psoriasis. as for me as a person in general you will have to join the forum to find out more, but be warned I can't stand bullies or spammers.
I'm just a genuine guy trying to help others with psoriasis and to those that think otherwise.

I can still remember the first signs, it was a small chunk on my head that just wouldn't go away. stupid doctor told me to try "Head & Shoulders" (Idiot). anyway eventually I got to see a dermatologist and off I went on a journey of Creams, Tar, & Light Therapy. It helped for a while but I soon found out there is no cure. Over the years I have tried most prescribed and some unusual home remedies. and I did manage to live with it apart from a few bouts of depression which I managed to sort myself out with.
Then about 5 years ago the psoriatic arthritis came back with a vengeance. It hit me hard, I couldn't move or even hold a cup to my mouth. reluctantly I went to the doctor who in turn got me straight in to see a dermatologist. I was pleasantly surprised on how things had moved on in treatments and was lucky enough to now be living in France which has an excellent health service.
I was given Remicade and my life totally changed my skin cleared and I could move again. just as I thought all was going well I had a reaction and moved on to Humira. again another reaction, moved on to Enbrel. the Enbrel was the best and it lasted about a year before psoriasis started coming back.
last year I went onto Stelara and so far so good my skin is about 95% clear with only a few niggly bits that just wont go and my arthritis is manageable. I do keep a blog and will be posting more on the forum on my treatment as I go along.
Well that's a bit about my life with psoriasis. as for me as a person in general you will have to join the forum to find out more, but be warned I can't stand bullies or spammers.
I'm just a genuine guy trying to help others with psoriasis and to those that think otherwise.
