This little study looked at General psychiatric symptoms, quality of sleep, and coping strategies in patients with psoriasis, and concluded that further experimental studies were required to explain the findings.
*International Journal of Dermatology, no funding disclosed
Psoriasis is a common dermatological disorder with psychiatric comorbidity. Psoriasis is associated with a variety of psychological problems, including poor self-esteem, sexual dysfunction, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation.
We aimed to investigate general psychiatric symptoms, quality of sleep, and coping strategies in patients with psoriasis vulgaris.
A total of 79 subjects (37 patients with psoriasis vulgaris and 42 control subjects) were enrolled in the study. Coping strategies were measured using the Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced (COPE) Scale. General psychopathological status was assessed using the Symptom Checklist-90-R (SCL90R), and sleep quality and disturbances were assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI).
The mean age of the patients was 39.18 ± 16.85 years. The mean age of control subjects was 39.33 ± 11.61 years. The mean score on the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) was 7.56 ± 3.66. There were no significant differences in scores on the SCL90R and COPE subscales between the patient and control groups. However, significant differences between the groups emerged on the PSQI subscales for subjective sleep quality and habitual sleep efficiency (Z = −1.964, P = 0.049, and Z = −2.452, P = 0.014, respectively).
The present study found no significant differences in general psychiatric symptoms and coping strategies between the psoriasis patients and the control group, by contrast with findings reported elsewhere in the literature. We think that the low PASI scores of our patients, which indicate the low severity of disease in the present group, is the main reason for this finding. However, sleep quality is lower in psoriasis vulgaris patients than in healthy controls. This may be associated with the itch and pain caused by lesions. Further experimental studies are required to explain these findings.
*International Journal of Dermatology, no funding disclosed