Hello there everybody!
Just introducing myself, if that is okay. I have been reading through the forum for a few days and everybody seems very kind and helpful
I don't wish to bore anybody, so will just give a brief recap. I first developed psoriasis four years ago at the grand old age of 36. It advanced fairly aggressively from a few patches on my scalp to fairly large-scale plague psoriasis coverage - including on my face; ye baxtards! - nail psoriasis, and the unfettered joy that is inverse psoriasis. I tried topical steroids for a while but no joy. In fact, I got way slap happy with the fecking things and ended up with some fairly horrible skin damage
Anyway, I started on Fumaderm Initial three weeks ago and am beginning the first day of Fumaderm full strength tomorrow. Side effects not terribly nasty yet.... Just wondering if any Fumaderm users recall how long it took to see an improvement? I check all my various scaly bits every day hoping to see a clear bit emerging, but no joy yet!
Thank you in advance for any info or advice. It is so nice to know there are other people who understand the various horrors and embarrassments of the psoriasis sufferer. I had to buy a little hand-held vacuum cleaner to clean up under my work desk at the end of every day. Scarlet for me!
If anybody is kind enough to reply and I do not respond, please forgive me. It might be tomorrow morning before I get a chance to come back!
Hope you are all doing well
Just introducing myself, if that is okay. I have been reading through the forum for a few days and everybody seems very kind and helpful

I don't wish to bore anybody, so will just give a brief recap. I first developed psoriasis four years ago at the grand old age of 36. It advanced fairly aggressively from a few patches on my scalp to fairly large-scale plague psoriasis coverage - including on my face; ye baxtards! - nail psoriasis, and the unfettered joy that is inverse psoriasis. I tried topical steroids for a while but no joy. In fact, I got way slap happy with the fecking things and ended up with some fairly horrible skin damage

Anyway, I started on Fumaderm Initial three weeks ago and am beginning the first day of Fumaderm full strength tomorrow. Side effects not terribly nasty yet.... Just wondering if any Fumaderm users recall how long it took to see an improvement? I check all my various scaly bits every day hoping to see a clear bit emerging, but no joy yet!
Thank you in advance for any info or advice. It is so nice to know there are other people who understand the various horrors and embarrassments of the psoriasis sufferer. I had to buy a little hand-held vacuum cleaner to clean up under my work desk at the end of every day. Scarlet for me!
If anybody is kind enough to reply and I do not respond, please forgive me. It might be tomorrow morning before I get a chance to come back!
Hope you are all doing well