Tue-17-03-2015, 11:19 AM
Thanks guys (unless one of you is a girl bear
You're the friendliest bunch of people I've come across in a long time. I have very little interest in the computer as far as social stuff goes ( like facebook) but this is great! I feel like I've found some skindred spirits
This morning I left early for work to drop into the service station to load up on chocolate bribery, (I work in high care dementia and nothing works like chocolate frogs) and I stroll up to the counter, count out 40 frogs and the guy behind the counter is just staring at me, I've been going there for years. I say "whaaaaaat?????? Rob" and he says..."No band-aids this morning?" and I thought Jeepers! am I known in the area for buying band-aids?
My hands split and sting so badly I have to wrap my fingers firstly in skin sensitive band aids and then woven ones, it's become a daily ritual. I'm hoping to find some ideas and will spend more time in here on the weekend.
Huntsman spiders! it gives me a rash just thinking about them, the big hairy ones that have fake eyes on their bums

This morning I left early for work to drop into the service station to load up on chocolate bribery, (I work in high care dementia and nothing works like chocolate frogs) and I stroll up to the counter, count out 40 frogs and the guy behind the counter is just staring at me, I've been going there for years. I say "whaaaaaat?????? Rob" and he says..."No band-aids this morning?" and I thought Jeepers! am I known in the area for buying band-aids?

Huntsman spiders! it gives me a rash just thinking about them, the big hairy ones that have fake eyes on their bums