Sat-25-04-2015, 13:35 PM
(Sat-25-04-2015, 13:19 PM)Cathy1815 Wrote: Week 5 almost done. Suffered with diarrhoea this week but starting to settle now.
Skin starting to show signs of improvement on arms and legs which is great. Hoping to be able to get on the 3 tablets tomorrow. Seems to be side effects get worse after increasing dosage by the middle of the week and then subside. Had no option on Wed night but to take tablet with coke (as in the drink version) and really suffered next day.
Still determined to stay on it though.
Well done Cathy sticking with it week 5 and signs of improvement .... it's not always easy ... I'm so glad you are seeing improvement in your skin, it's encouraging news... good luck when you step up the dose to three

I bet you don't take them with Coke again

Looking forward to the summer for you