Mon-12-01-2015, 22:20 PM
(Mon-12-01-2015, 19:47 PM)quyeno Wrote: Caroline - What would I need to do to see a dermatologist in the Netherlands and get treated? Would I need particular health insurance? Is Psorinovo expensive without insurance?Oops, that is a difficult question. I would not know how this is done for foreigners.
But if i were to be creative, I would check out the psoriasistherapie dot nl website. Go to Artsen en down below to "Lijst met Dermatologen", there are addresses of institutes and dermatologists. Just call them and tell your problem and ideas. (you also can contact the guys on the website, but I don't know if they can help you more than yourself with some logical thinking).
I don't have a clue on insurance, I think you would need an insurance that is perhaps wider and covers treatment abroad or Europe wide. But I wouldn't know if that is possible seen from your point of view.
I normally order 600 tablets of 120mg. I think that is about 350 euro's, I am not completely sure as I do not see the declaration the drugstore sends to the insurance.
This is a link to an interesting, though old fashioned/outdated guideline, It is in english and dated 1999.
The interesting thing is that is says:
Quote:Fumaric acid ester (FAE) therapy has proved to be safe and effective in patients with severe psoriasis vulgaris.A to the bottom stupid remark. Because.... if it is safe and effective, why limit it to severe psoriasis vulgaris, while already is known that it helps against all forms of psoriasis and PsA. There is totally no reason for it.
At this location there is an article on how it works, unfortunately for you in dutch.
This sentence says:
Quote:Fumaric acid is in the dutch guidelines psoriasis treatments as a regular treatment. In this dutch guideline it says that it should be considered to use fumarates as first choice systemic mono therapy with average to severe psoriasis (plaque, but it works for all).
Fumaarzuur is opgenomen in de Nederlandse Richtlijn Psoriasis 2011 als reguliere behandeling voor psoriasis en in Engelse richtlijnen. In de Nederlandse richtlijn staat dat fumaraten zijn te overwegen als eerste keus systemische monotherapie bij matige tot ernstig plaque type psoriasis.
So it seems that the Dutch are way ahead on the British, putting it as a first choice in a guideline, although also over here we as patients have to slap our dermatologists around their ears with this guideline, because the poor guys and girls just don't do their homework.
Quote:I thought I should give a little background about myself. I'm 39 and have always ate healthily and exercised regularly then last October I had a flare up of Guttate Psoriasis, first time. No one else in my family has it so it's not hereditary. I did have some insect bites from my holiday weeks previous which did not seem to get better, also I had a slight sore throat but I don't think it was a strep throat infection. My derm thinks those were my triggers. I've been getting UVB treatment and have 8 sessions left and then it may be onto Acetretin and no I'm here.I've cut out nightshades, gluten and processed sugar as much as I can. I take high dose vitamin D3/K2, Magnesium, Zinc and Selenium and fish oils. I've been jucing and incorporate a couple of glasses of geen juice a day. But generally I've always ate healthily and cooked most of meals, processed meals now and then. I kind of feel really angry that it's happened to me even though I've kept myself really fit and healthy all these years, I've also stopped drinking not that I drank much before last October anyways and have never smoked ever. Just sheer bad luck I guess like the rest of us.
Looks like you are quite healthy. Thanks for your explanation. That is always welcome.
I recognize your frustration, myself I am a sportive type. I did lots of running, badminton, swimming, dancing and so on. The running and badminton I had to give up after getting PsA, I was very annoyed by that. Luckily my sister introduced me to spinning, so at least I have something to get really sweaty and tired on.