Tue-06-01-2015, 01:20 AM
Having psoriasis psoriatic arthritis has really been a challenge to say the least.As i said before i had the psoriasis long before I knew it.I had what I thought was dandruff during my teenage years and my nails were always weak.I didn't have pretty nails like the other girls at the time.Plus I used to bite them.About 9 or 10 years ago my scalp was so bad I went to a Dermatologist and she said I have Psoriasis and I had about 20 steroid shots in my scalp.Talk about painful but I got thru it.I showed her my knee which was double in size and she told me she thought I has Psa on top of the skin issues.So i started to see a Rheumatologist and sure enough I have both.They call it a double whammy just my luck to have both!I had tried all kinds of pills to help me but nothing seemed to help.One time was on Clinerol don't know how to spell it.Was generic for sulfasalazine and my hands swelled up like baloons from it.My Rhemmy was on vacation so I went to the ER they gave me a steroid shot plus steroid pills you take 7 day pres.and you keep tapering down.Was on Cymbalta,Lyrica.Celebrex and nothing helped finally the Dr said well Glenda looks like it time for biologics.Started out on Remicade was on it for about 8 months then I broke out in hives last Jan,not bad thought it was from a food allergy.March had another infusion hives again.Thought it was something else.Then May 1st had another infusion ended up in the ER.could't breathe they gave me an IV coctail of steroids,benadryl,pepcid.Finally figured it was from Remicade.So now I am on Enbrel for the past 3 months and so far so good.My PSA is better I am hoping after a while I'll see improvements in my skin.Keeping my fingers crossed.I try to go to the tanning bed a couple times a week not for the tan but to help with the psoriasis.I only stay in the bed for 7 minutes scared of getting skin cancer.Will keep all informed on my progress with Enbrel.