Mon-21-07-2014, 01:50 AM
(Mon-21-07-2014, 01:38 AM)tanlou Wrote: just took the Psoriasis number test - im a 34 -- only had it for 5 years and it is getting to me now - have done light treatment and "special baths " at the hospital - methotrexate helped for a while but then it messed up my liver and kidneys - I know there will be no miracle cure - but I need something to start working
Oh Tanlou I know the desperate feelings just wanting to get rid of it. It is an awful disease and it wrecks your self confidence and makes you just want to crawl under a rock...
34 is not too bad a score, by doing that test of Fred's regularly you can see if there is an improvement or not
I have been down the same routes as you as far as treatment goes........ But I wouldn't swap my Fumaderm it has given me my life back ( you would think I was getting paid to promote it )
I think your side effects will lessen and trying to vary the time of day and not leaving it until 10 pm to take it may well help
There is so much research going on at the moment and I think we are getting closer and closer to a way if not to cure it at least to control it more effectively..
I wish you much luck and hope the itching subsides