Wed-12-10-2011, 13:41 PM
Hiya is there any1 on Fumaderm?? I started this drug in August and had the odd flush and tummy cramp/upset 2 or 3 times a week which i could handle and was advised it would ease off the longer i was on it............ I started the highest dose on Monday (6 blue per day) OMG
The cramps in my stomach are worse than havin a baby, the flushes are soo bad im in a freezing cold shower 2 or 3 times a day and anything i eat is just running thru me
Ive been on cyclo & mtx never had any side effects and my skin was clear within 7weeks only downside to them are the day u stop taking them it cums back with a vengence so this is why my Consultant recommended Fumaderm as its long term but im thinking of giving up as the side effects are so bad and my skin has only got better slightly. Please tell me if any1 is suffering the same symptoms.