Thu-12-06-2014, 10:50 AM
(Thu-12-06-2014, 10:07 AM)Yaseenaltajer Wrote: Caroline, do you mind linking me where you read that Methotrexate doesn't help PsA, whenever you have the time, so that I show it to my doctor? Thank you!
Yes it's probably the thread Jim has pointed you to on the post above, this one may also help Methotrexate not working for Synovitis in psoriatic arthritis
Also like Jim said the search facility will throw you up many threads on your choice of search, it's only available to members and this thread explains the best way to use it. Using The Search Facility
You will also find dome positive threads by members using the search, so it's not all bad news. But what you have been given in replies so far are from members that have used Methotrexate and had a bad experience, hopefully someone reading will post a more positive reply.
But in my opinion if you continue with Methotrexate you will using this smiley

I also notice you mention your "Doctor" are you seeing a Dermatologist ? If not I would highly recommend you get referred to one, they are better suited to treating you, and a GP will always continue to bung you Methrotrexate and Steroid creams.