Psoriasis Club has now been going for 4 years, and to this day it still remains a fully independent self funded forum without the help of advertising, sponsors, or requests for donations.
It was midnight 31 of May 2010 when I first opened Psoriasis Club on a free hosted website to the public. Though it had a few problems at first from some people who didn't want to see it happen, some members (you know who you are) stuck with me and encouraged me to keep it going.
I had never done anything like this before and often thought of giving it up due to the nasty remarks and problems, but I like a challenge and with the help of some members I dug my heels in and kept going. After a few months things got a bit better and people started to take it serious, this wasn't going to be just a one hit wonder and there was no way I was going to see it fail.
Following a chat one night with a member that had been with Psoriasis Club from day one who was telling me how Psoriasis Club had given them hope, I decided to move things on a little and take Psoriasis Club into the future. I moved to our own hosting with a new address, followed some advice and changed the colour scheme then opened on 18-09-2011 to new members.
When I first started it I didn't think for one minute it would get this far, I've had some hard times with it, but I've also had a lot of great times with it. It gives me a buzz just seeing people using it, and when I get the occasional message about how it has helped someone it makes me feel good.
I made a promise when I moved to our own website, that there will never be any advertising, sponsorship from drug companies or any other means, requests for donations, spam, trolls, or bullies. I also made a promise that if Psoriasis Club is helping one person I will keep it going, today I often see people from around the world using it so for those that said it will never work, I'm sorry but it's here to stay.

Some don't like my policy of not allowing links to other sites or the way I throw people out the door for self promoting or wanting to get traffic to another site, but I'm not paying for Psoriasis Club to be here for adding money to peoples pockets, it's here to help genuine people who just want a safe friendly place to come and talk with others who understand.
Psoriasis Club hasn't got where it is today by paying Google, other SEO companies, or buying back links to give us a higher ranking in searches, it's got here by the honest unbiased content that is posted by it's members. We currently have 414 active members (unused accounts are removed) 16,583 posts in 1,700 threads (not all threads are visible to guests) Chances are you found us via a search on the internet or recommendation so we must be doing something right.
What does the future hold for Psoriasis Club?
Going by the feedback I have had from active members of Psoriasis Club, they like the way things are. So as far as I'm concerned "It aint broke, so why try to fix it?"
But I'm always ready to listen to it's members and I started a thread here for members [Group Specific]
But if you would rather you can give feedback here Feedback in public boards.
Here [Group Specific] in members only boards.
Or by sending me a PM or using the "Contact Us" button.
So a big thank you to all members of Psoriasis Club both old & new for making Psoriasis Club what it is, we may not always see eye to eye and I think some are never sure how to take me, but I am who I am and what you see is what you get.
To Psoriasis Club and all it's members, long may we run. Happy Birthday.
Now who's buying cake in [Group Specific]