Tue-05-03-2019, 12:08 PM
(Mon-04-03-2019, 21:25 PM)jiml Wrote: I think they will have to reverse their thinking on blanket filters on a word
Let's hope they step back or we might lose members particularly those that don't come often and have bt emails
The trouble with all filters is that they will give "False Positives" Imagine they changed the filter to "Cure" you could think that would solve the issue, but we have a few threads marked "Cure" and we often speak about there not being such a thing as a cure.
We even have our own page Cure so filter although can sometimes work they can also be harmful to genuine websites like Psoriasis Club.
(Tue-05-03-2019, 01:03 AM)Imapsomom Wrote: Ive made a gmail account just for psoriasis club but am having trouble changing my email on here...cant remember my password and I am not getting the link to change it from the 'forgot my passwood' message....technology and me
Lara I have sent you a PM.