Fri-11-09-2020, 11:43 AM
Nice dogs Bill

Bill's pure dimethylfumarate thread
Fri-11-09-2020, 11:43 AM
Nice dogs Bill
Fri-11-09-2020, 12:57 PM
Great results Bill I'm chuffed to see the lymphocytes bounced back so well.
I'll have to look out for some supplements noy that I need them for my psoriasis but more as protection against the covid threat. Good luck and love your pooches ![]()
Fri-11-09-2020, 22:46 PM
Hi Fred and Caroline,
Glad you like my dogs. I have to put them on a plinth for a pic, else they wont stay still. Hi Jim, I wouldn't take any supplements with my DMF unless I had a problem. With so many treatments for psoriasis I think the view of dermatologists is generally to move on to another treatment rather than try to correct a lymphopaenia with supplements. Hence there is no specific research for DMFers. I think I will stay on my current ritual of supplements and see whether it can sustain the current count. If it does I will try eliminating the supplements gradually and hopefully find which one(s) (if any) are of use. Cheers
Sun-13-09-2020, 04:26 AM
For future reference I started nac (0.8 grams twice daily) a day or two after I got my low lymphocyte result, glutamine (~3.75grams twice daily) a bit under two weeks later, creatine (>3.75grams twice daily) a day or two after that, and zinc(>10mg daily) and selenium (weekly) a bit after that. I also cut back on my exercise a bit. Given that zinc supplementation takes a few months to have an effect, the amino acids may have been of more help (assuming that the supplements have had an effect).
Jim Glad you like my dogs. I got them from an animal shelter nearly seven years ago. They are over nine years old and full of energy. I thought they would not be up to long walks, but they can race around madly for three hours and still be full of pep. I like small dogs as I can carry them and they don't crush me when they lie down on me. Cheers
Sun-13-09-2020, 08:01 AM
I have read that paté contains more than average particles of zinc. So... I have combined the usefulness with the attractiveness and consumer more paté.
![]() I am not as scientific as you are.
Sun-13-09-2020, 10:19 AM
Sounds like a very yummy way to do it Caroline. You are certainly more sensible.
Sat-14-11-2020, 07:14 AM
A brief update. I have been taking 430mg of DMF every other day with a single exception of a three day interval. Two weeks ago I halved my amino acid supplements (now taken daily instead of twice daily) as I noticed that the DMF was not as effective as it has been. I suspect that the amino acids are effective at protecting lymphocytes (supporting Caroline's contention that a lower lymphocyte count is related to efficacy), although I cannot be certain of this until my next blood test, which I will have in mid December. If the count remains good I may experiment with daily dosing.
Sat-14-11-2020, 07:25 AM
That amino acids, how do you take that? Is that an existing pill or so?
Thanks for the update. You are so good in documenting your experiments. ![]()
Sat-14-11-2020, 08:27 AM
Hi Caroline,
I take them as powders mixed with water. Good record keeping is essential: Things that seem insignificant at the time might be important. If I cannot look back I wont learn and my treatment will likely not be as effective. Cheers
Sat-14-11-2020, 12:30 PM
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