Psoriasis Club is 3 years old today, and I want to thank you all for your continued support in helping make it what it is today.
Psoriasis Club has gone from a free hosted forum with a few problems to a self hosted safe and friendly forum that is now being found and respected around the world. The problems and nasty comments by a few at the start only drove me on to take Psoriasis Club further. It's been hard work and still is at times, but I have stuck with it and have always said if it's helping one person I will keep it going.
Today instead of nasty comments I now get some great feedback not only from posts on the forum but also via Twitter or personal contact. We have a great range of friendly people from all walks of life, all ages, and from various different countries around the world.
And it's not all down to me that Psoriasis Club has become so successful even though some wanted it to fail, no it's you that has kept it going. Without your input or feedback it may not have lasted, you are all a great bunch of people and I'm privileged to know you all.
Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome here: Feedback
If you do want to tell others what you think of Psoriasis Club why not post it on this thread: Welcome Guest
Other suggestions to help Psoriasis Club can be found Support Psoriasis Club
Thank you and keep up the good work.
Psoriasis Club has gone from a free hosted forum with a few problems to a self hosted safe and friendly forum that is now being found and respected around the world. The problems and nasty comments by a few at the start only drove me on to take Psoriasis Club further. It's been hard work and still is at times, but I have stuck with it and have always said if it's helping one person I will keep it going.
Today instead of nasty comments I now get some great feedback not only from posts on the forum but also via Twitter or personal contact. We have a great range of friendly people from all walks of life, all ages, and from various different countries around the world.
And it's not all down to me that Psoriasis Club has become so successful even though some wanted it to fail, no it's you that has kept it going. Without your input or feedback it may not have lasted, you are all a great bunch of people and I'm privileged to know you all.
Your feedback and suggestions are always welcome here: Feedback
If you do want to tell others what you think of Psoriasis Club why not post it on this thread: Welcome Guest
Other suggestions to help Psoriasis Club can be found Support Psoriasis Club
Thank you and keep up the good work.
