Thanks all. i wasn't sure if I was overstepping some kind or mark.
It is not just psoriasis it is all aspects of health.
I was down as a missed appointments because they screwed up where to go. Went to a followup a month later over a shoulder injury and was basically getting put back into the queuing system so kicked up a fuss.
Went to the head of department in the next town who insulted me, treated me like some uneducated chav because i was dressed in tracksuit bottoms (I was expecting an examination so dressed down). So demanded to see her boss. That was a Thursday! Had my surgery on the Monday rather than another 9 month wait. I guess they didn't want me darkening their doorstep too long.
Be reasonable but also forthright. Know what you can get and don't don't accept poor service. After all as I said you are a customer and they are a service provider.
The unfortunate thing is that on a cost basis they do not have any competition.
I started my treatment privately because I could afford it for a short period of time and Oh Boy! How well was I treated. The NHS needs to realise it is a service provider paid for by us.
Sorry bit more of a rant than I intended but trust me I have actually said that to them. Doesn't go down well and I am pretty sure they must have took pictures when they operated just for revenge! (obviously they didn't bu I would have after dealing with me as a total pain in the %&£$)
It is not just psoriasis it is all aspects of health.
I was down as a missed appointments because they screwed up where to go. Went to a followup a month later over a shoulder injury and was basically getting put back into the queuing system so kicked up a fuss.
Went to the head of department in the next town who insulted me, treated me like some uneducated chav because i was dressed in tracksuit bottoms (I was expecting an examination so dressed down). So demanded to see her boss. That was a Thursday! Had my surgery on the Monday rather than another 9 month wait. I guess they didn't want me darkening their doorstep too long.
Be reasonable but also forthright. Know what you can get and don't don't accept poor service. After all as I said you are a customer and they are a service provider.
The unfortunate thing is that on a cost basis they do not have any competition.
I started my treatment privately because I could afford it for a short period of time and Oh Boy! How well was I treated. The NHS needs to realise it is a service provider paid for by us.
Sorry bit more of a rant than I intended but trust me I have actually said that to them. Doesn't go down well and I am pretty sure they must have took pictures when they operated just for revenge! (obviously they didn't bu I would have after dealing with me as a total pain in the %&£$)