Sun-27-03-2016, 14:08 PM
Thank you very much, Birdman. I have been on dimethyl fumarate at varying doses since November 2012 and have gone from 30% to 40% to about 0.2% of inactive coverage. And what has gone has gone. None of that "You can see where it used to be." stuff. Gone and good riddance to it. So it is of great interest to me to have comparisons. Did you have psa as well, and if so how well was it controlled? I had plenty of pain which has receded to the extent that I no longer take nsaids for it. Almost nothing peripherally, just a bit of stiffness when I make a fist, especially the pointers. Sciatic pain gone, and I no longer wake in pain, but I still get pain and limited movement from the mid-lumber vertebrae upwards. Mind you it has improved a good deal and I am optimistic that I will keep progressing, but I still have a way to go. Psoriasis seems to be managed abysmally the world over. People often seem to be left untreated or badly treated, and worse are equally oblivious to the fantastic treatment available. I am pleased you have had good treatment but think your dismissal a bit mercenary; A bit like chucking someone out of a wheel chair.