Tue-18-08-2015, 10:15 AM
(Tue-18-08-2015, 09:23 AM)Generation Wrote: Hi,vim taking humira. After about 3-4 weeks since I started it, I noticed no difference until over the course of about 3 days my skin became completely clear. From 90% coverage to clear! But hen I woke up one day after injecting to see it coming back. And the next day, today, it's almost as bad as originally. I was wondering if this suggests my body will always find a way around it and whether or not I should expect to ever be clear on this again?
Many thanks
Firstly let me say Generation to the club. I'm glad you have found us and have posted a question
Here we are all just the same as you with one form or another of psoriasis and all looking for an answer.
I have never used a biological so I'm not really the person to comment but I just wanted to welcome you and say always come and chat about any concerns as we have a good mix of members who will probably be able to answer or at least empathise with you
One other thing ( you will notice I run on a bit ) if and it's a big if the Humira fails you the dermatologists have a big arsenal of other drugs and one will work for you
Read through the prescribed treatment boards of others experiences with other drugs
I personally think that the fact Humira worked so quickly and then the psoriasis came back may just be your body adjusting to the new drug .... I would say keep the faith in Humira and give it a bit longer before you have negative thoughts ... Positivity is a great help to assist the clearing in my opinion
Also you will always be made welcome as a member in the off topic section which is a bit more light hearted and you can meet and chat about other things to take your mind off the psoriasis and know you are with fellow sufferers