Sun-22-03-2015, 13:14 PM
I keep hearing the phrase "detox" now I would like somebody to tell me what that means as there is no evidence that it even exists , there is a trend to blame certain foods for all sorts of problems which under certain circumstances does have a basis in fact but as a general thing seems to me not to be relevant. P will normally have remissions as a matter of course and as Fred indicated the placebo effect can also play a big part. Certain chemicals can effect the skin or even the body as a whole for good or bad and they only concession I can give to food having an effect is that maybe substances such as antibiotics or other chemicals used for "improving" are present in all types of food. P is related to other auto immune problems such as crones disease which is aggravated by food however I don't think that even after exhaustive tests that any concrete evidence exists though for P but again I am willing to concede that for some people a certain diet may be an advantage to have.