Thu-27-09-2012, 21:38 PM
Hi Charlene. I'm sorry to read your having such a rough time! Just know that you are not alone in your battle. I have had psoriasis for 21 years now. My psoriasis have cover almost my whole body quite a few times. I know how you are feeling. I had people stare, say rude comments, make fun of me, and I have had people run away from me. People are scared an ignorant of things they don't know about and that is why some people act the way they do. You are normal....does your skin look normal...not necessarily, but YOU are normal. I know that it's hard, but don't let the Psoriasis determine who you are. I have said a few times that I feel like I am on a emotional and mental rollercoaster. It's such a high when your doing well, that you tend to forget what it's like to do poorly. I don't think you ever get used to the rollercoster ride. Just know we are here for you and come vent anying time!