Sun-28-12-2014, 01:39 AM
(Sun-28-12-2014, 01:24 AM)Audrey Wrote: Hi folks. Just about to start the "big boy" tablets i.e. 120mg and at this moment i feel quite sick on my present dose. I get occasional hot flush but nothing i cant handle. One good thing I'm losing weight coz I dont have an appetite. But don't really want to carry on feeling yuck. Any suggestions
Hi Audrey shame you're feeling yuk on the tablets is it constant or just for a short time a few hours after you take them .
I must be honest and say they never made me feel sick... You are taking them with food and plenty of fluid aren't you?
Caroline has suggested yoghurt as a way to coat your stomach whilst the tablet goes through to your intestines where it does it's work ... My only side effects were stomach/ intestinal cramps which at the start were quite severe but didn't last long about 30 minutes to an hour and then subsided and the flushes lasted about the same.
What time of day are you taking them ? Although it shouldn't matter.... I'm wondering if you're getting sickness instead of cramps try taking them in the middle of your meals
I hope it's just a blip or have you felt like it for a while?
Is the psoriasis going yet?
Are you about to start on one 120mg tablet a day? Or 2