Wed-20-11-2024, 20:12 PM
First, when I'm wrong I try to admit it. I don't always succeed but in this case I was wrong. I had mentioned (in another thread I think) that I expected my dermatologist to not be pleased when I said I wanted to come off of Skyrizi, but actually she was okay with it.
So, since this is about the treatment, I do not feel Skyrizi helped me with my psoriasis. Also, my ankles have been hurting for a long time now and pre covid I got the "pretty sure you have psoriatic arthritis" but that does leave the door open to do I or don't I so I am not 100% certain on that one. However, the Skyrizi in no way helped the ankles either. I am currently fairly clear, but have days where the psoriasis starts to act up and then I use the topical. I use the shampoo about 3 times a week, alternating with a regular shampoo. I told the dermatologist I truly believe the shampoo and topical help but that the Skyrizi didn't. My injection was due Nov 8th and I told her I didn't order it as I wanted to discuss it first with her. She BELIEVED me!! I didn't think she would, I figured I would get the "well you're better because of the Skyrizi" but my outbreaks this past year have had nothing to do with timing of injections (as in getting worse right before one was due) nor better after an injection. She was great and said she agreed I should come off it and we'll see what happens and if the topicals are enough (however, advised me to get ankles checked out) and if I felt I needed to try another biologic there are newer and possibly more effective ones out now. So...... my journey with Skyrizi has come to an end. Oh, for information purposes I did tell her that I had been more sick this past year than usual and didn't have that with other biologics but of course I didn't know if that was from being on Skyrizi or just bad luck. She had to point out that getting older can make us more susceptible
but the information part is she did say Skyrizi is more concentrated (my word I think) on the psoriasis and less of an issue for lowering the immune system (although it still does) than (some) other biologics.
So, since this is about the treatment, I do not feel Skyrizi helped me with my psoriasis. Also, my ankles have been hurting for a long time now and pre covid I got the "pretty sure you have psoriatic arthritis" but that does leave the door open to do I or don't I so I am not 100% certain on that one. However, the Skyrizi in no way helped the ankles either. I am currently fairly clear, but have days where the psoriasis starts to act up and then I use the topical. I use the shampoo about 3 times a week, alternating with a regular shampoo. I told the dermatologist I truly believe the shampoo and topical help but that the Skyrizi didn't. My injection was due Nov 8th and I told her I didn't order it as I wanted to discuss it first with her. She BELIEVED me!! I didn't think she would, I figured I would get the "well you're better because of the Skyrizi" but my outbreaks this past year have had nothing to do with timing of injections (as in getting worse right before one was due) nor better after an injection. She was great and said she agreed I should come off it and we'll see what happens and if the topicals are enough (however, advised me to get ankles checked out) and if I felt I needed to try another biologic there are newer and possibly more effective ones out now. So...... my journey with Skyrizi has come to an end. Oh, for information purposes I did tell her that I had been more sick this past year than usual and didn't have that with other biologics but of course I didn't know if that was from being on Skyrizi or just bad luck. She had to point out that getting older can make us more susceptible