Wed-22-05-2024, 23:11 PM
You won't be judged here.
I don't know if we have any active people who are smokers, but a lot of us used to smoke so we understand that it's not easy to quit and that some people do not want to quit and that's okay. And well I don't really know about others, but I also am overweight, actually I am classified as obese even (I hate that word actually but it is what it is) and a lot of us also suffer from other ailments other than psoriasis.
I can truthfully say that I have received nothing but support here. There are at times some different opinions on treatments as to what is best or what works best for some over others, but it's always respectful.
I didn't have a lot of luck with light therapy myself for psoriasis. Thankfully there are a lot of options available. It may be difficult to figure out how much of the pain is from having psoriasis vs other conditions.
As a suggestion, Coconut oil makes a good natural moisturizer and you could even put in the fridge to use cold on your feet (be sure to elevate) which might at least offer a bit of comfort.
Again, welcome !!
Oh and to give you a heads up, Fred and Dave are our resident lushes!