Thu-11-02-2021, 22:20 PM
You are welcome, we are just people like you with psoriasis. Some come and go and some almost live here, but yes you will find a friendly bunch ................................ if not let us know and we will soon look into it.
Re depression: We have a dedicated thread for our members should you ever need it here [Group Specific]
What does GI mean ?
Rheumatologist: Yes I have seen one twice and my personal opinion is they don't have a clue about psoriatic arthritis, plus they can't or won't prescribe much more than poison methotrexate. I found that department of no help whatsoever.
Yes do dive in on the members only boards you will find a lot to take your mind off things, if it's not there feel free to start something.
Re depression: We have a dedicated thread for our members should you ever need it here [Group Specific]
What does GI mean ?
Rheumatologist: Yes I have seen one twice and my personal opinion is they don't have a clue about psoriatic arthritis, plus they can't or won't prescribe much more than poison methotrexate. I found that department of no help whatsoever.
Yes do dive in on the members only boards you will find a lot to take your mind off things, if it's not there feel free to start something.